Australasian Journal of Herpetology Issue 65Australasian Journal of Herpetology ®
Issue 65, published 9 August 2023
List of new taxa formally named.
All major papers are downloadable below the list.

New Genus (All skink lizards)

Absconditaaurem Hoser, 2023.
Albummentum Hoser, 2023.
Arietesvarious Hoser, 2023.
Brevicrurastellio Hoser, 2023.
Brevinnaribussuis Hoser, 2023.
Brunneismaculis Hoser, 2023.
Brunneisstellio Hoser, 2023.
Dumpedes Hoser, 2023.
Invalueruntscincus Hoser, 2023.
Lineaatro Hoser, 2023.
Longumdigitos Hoser, 2023.
Marmoratastellio Hoser, 2023.
OfilIlabiireatum Hoser, 2023.
Paratytthoscincus Hoser, 2023.
Piersonstellio Hoser, 2023.
Plenusstellio Hoser, 2023.
Quasipiscisscincus Hoser, 2023.
Redactasquamae Hoser, 2023.
Silvalizard Hoser, 2023.
Tenebrisspina Hoser, 2023.
Tenuisfodiens Hoser, 2023.
Tumessuperoculum Hoser, 2023.

New Subgenus (All skink lizards)

Caudadensissima Hoser, 2023.
Cryptozoscincus Hoser, 2023.
Fortiscrurascincus Hoser, 2023.
Macrocular Hoser, 2023.
Minimascinkus Hoser, 2023.

New Species (All skink lizards)

Brevicrurastellio brunneiscorpus Hoser, 2023.
Brevicrurastellio neglectus Hoser, 2023.
Brunneisstellio allengreeri Hoser, 2023.
Brunneisstellio glennsheai Hoser, 2023.
Brunneisstellio kenaplini Hoser, 2023.
Brunneisstellio richardwellsi Hoser, 2023.
Brunneisstellio rosswellingtoni Hoser, 2023.
Brunneisstellio paulwoolfi Hoser, 2023.
Nodorha absconditus Hoser, 2023.
Nodorha hoserae Hoser, 2023.
Nodorha insularis Hoser, 2023.
Nodorha martinekae Hoser, 2023.
Nodorha tasmaniensis Hoser, 2023.
OfilIlabiireatum abscondeetus Hoser, 2023.
OfilIlabiireatum nonvidetur Hoser, 2023.
Otosaurus cinereocauda Hoser, 2023.
Otosaurus lateribusfulvis Hoser, 2023.
Paratytthoscincus fauciummaculosus Hoser, 2023.
Piersonstellio charlespiersoni Hoser, 2023.
Plenusstellio fortees Hoser, 2023.
Plenusstellio levis Hoser, 2023.
Plenusstellio piscissimilis Hoser, 2023.
Quasipiscisscincus funibus Hoser, 2023.
Quasipiscisscincus utrimquepunctata Hoser, 2023.
Silvalizard lovelinayi Hoser, 2023.
Tumessuperoculum patrickdavidi Hoser, 2023.

New Subspecies (All skink lizards)

Nodorha cassandrae divergans Hoser, 2023.
Lissonata maculata currax Hoser, 2023.
Lissonata maculata veloxmovens Hoser, 2023.
Piersonstellio praesignis divergans Hoser, 2023.
Redactasquamae fragosus lineatenebrica Hoser, 2023.

Australasian Journal of Herpetology Issue 65Australasian Journal of Herpetology ®
Issue 65, published 9 August 2023


Hoser, R. T. 2023. Microhabitat partitioning between three invasive Australian skink lizard species. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 65:3-4.

Hoser, R. T. 2023. A further dismemberment of the skink genus Sphenomorphus Fitzinger, 1843 (Squamata: Sauria: Scincomorpha) including the formal descriptions of 22 new genera, 5 new subgenera, 21 new species and 4 new subspecies. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 65:5-50.

Hoser, R. T. 2023. The further division of the Nodorha bougainvillii (AKA Lerista bougainvillii) sensu lato species complex, including formal descriptions of five new species and a new subspecies. . Australasian Journal of Herpetology 65:51-63.

Download the whole of Australasian Journal of Herpetology issue 65 in one big pdf file

All of the newly discovered and formally named species and subspecies in AJH Issue 65.

All of the newly discovered and formally named species and subspecies in AJH Issue 66.

Full Zoobank listing of all species, genera, family and taxonomic works of the Snakeman Raymond Hoser as of 14 June 2024 (over 2,300 entities named, over 1,300 species and subspecies).

ICZN Case 3601 ... ICZN Ruled on 30 April 2021 that all published issues of Australasian Journal of Herpetology ® is validly published according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature and also that all new names within are valid and have priority over later names.

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