in a species name?
Raymond Hoser
Originally published
in Crocodilian - Newsletter of the Victorian Association of Amateur
Herpetologists 2 (7) 2000, pp. 9-10.
Last year (1999) I was sitting in the
AHS 50th anniversary conference in Sydney hearing Dr. Hal Cogger give a
talk about scientific names of reptiles.
He kept asking the rhetorical question ‘Think of the person behind the
He was referring to people like Lesueur, Krefft, Storr and others who played
key roles in describing many of Australia’s reptile species.
Species such as Oedura lesueurii, Varanus storri and Cacophis
kreffti were named after these herpetological greats.
It is traditional that species are sometimes named in honour of the good
work done by people.
In more recent times I’ve done this myself. Take for example the species
Pailsus pailsei, Acanthophis wellsei and the like. People
were immortally honoured for their contributions to science.
Then there are the species named after people who’ve made major contributions
to public life. Acanthophis cummingi is named after one of Australia’s
best investigative journalists, Fia Cumming.
In the cases involving the species I named there was no ‘favors’ sought
or received for naming these species after the various people – nor should
there be.
The names were assigned solely on the basis of merit and as an honour.
That’s how it should be.
Contrary to misinformation by some so-called scientists, the actual process
of assigning a scientific name to an undescribed species is actually fairly
simple. The ‘Rules’ as set out by the ICZN dictate the process and the
nomenclatural act is the simple part of the equation. More difficult is
the ‘proving’ that the species being named, hasn’t already been named previously
and if it has been, then no new name can be assigned. Part of this part
is also setting out why the newly described form is in fact a separate
‘new’ species.
Over the years some have abused the system.
There was the case of the corrupt NPWS/NSW official who sought and got
a species named after him in return for the continued issuing of licences
to the man who described the species. He now claims the honour of having
the species named after him for his ‘good work’. That is yet another lie
coming from the NPWS/NSW bureaucracy.
This was totally corrupt, but fortunately I think cases like this have
been the exception rather than the norm.
I suppose we can even compare the naming of species to that of the Queen’s
birthday honours.
That system was also supposed to reward meritorous people with titles like
AO, AOM and Knighthoods (‘Sir’).
The system has been so debased over recent years that such an honour now
usually implies that the recipient has either bought it, or is completely
Take for example names like Sir Robert Askin, Sir Terrence Lewis and the
Askin was a corrupt State Premier, while Lewis was a corrupt Police Commissioner,
who was later jailed for extorting $600,000 from hardened criminals.
Fortunately the system of naming species has not yet become so debased
that those who are most corrupt or those with the largest wallets are immortally
honoured by having species named after them.
Or has it?
On 11 December 1999, page 3 of the Sydney Morning Herald reported
that Dr. Michael Archer of the Australian Museum in Sydney was offering
to name invertebrates after people who paid his staff $5,000. The story
ran as follows:
‘For $5,000, Professor Mike Archer is offering to
sell humans a shot at immortality this Christmas, a chance to name a new
species. Professor Archer, the man who has vowed to bring the Tasmanian
tiger back to life and who has arrived at the Australian Museum like an
injection of adrenalin, is guaranteeing anyone with a chequebook that he
can give a more ''real immortality'' than religion.
His colleague at the museum, invertebrate specialist Dr Winston Ponder,
says that at any one time the institution has around 20 species that are
available for naming. These include a sea worm, cicadas, freshwater snails
and centipedes.’
The scheme has since been promoted further with a glossy mail-out
brochure which also appeared with the Museum’s quality ANH magazine.
Now before I go on, I must make some important points.
The first is that I do not intend attacking Archer’s scientific credentials
or general integrity. I am sure his motives in this matter are honourable.
He launched the scheme on the basis that the money raised would be used
to fund further research.
Furthermore, as far as I know, the scheme is at this stage limited to invertebrates.
And while talking about the Australian Museum and its staff, I shall report
my own opinions of them. In over 20 years of extensive dealings with the
herpetology and other sections, I can only say positive things of them.
They have always provided me with every assistance requested, including
when publishing papers and books and given me unfettered access to their
vast archives of literature, specimens and the like. And while I constantly
whinge about the tax-payer’s money wasted by government on many things,
I think that it appears that most money spent on the museum in Sydney,
is money well spent.
But as for the ‘cash for names’ idea, I must say that I find it totally
Now I know some of you will be thinking, ‘but it’s been going on for years,
all Archer’s done is formalise it’, and yes, you are probably correct.
But still I think that the whole idea could cause even greater problems.
In order to raise more money, scientists may rush to name more species
and cut corners to do so. This could lead to come of the ‘inadequate taxonomy’
as described by WA Museum Reptile Curator Ken Aplin, in a recent issue
of Monitor.
Then there’s the problem of who decides the worthiness of the ‘charity’.
People could legitimately argue that the money raised should go on things
like the homeless, rather than on museum exhibits. Or the government could
use the extra money raised by selling species names as an excuse to cut
the museum’s funding. They’ve done this sort of thing before.
The net result being that the museum and its staff have no more money to
do their job.
And then there’s my biggest objection.
That’s the names themselves.
I could envisage people like former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett handing
over $50,000 of taxpayer’s funds to have a genus named after him.
Could you image books for eternity carrying the name Kennettus in
honour of this despot?
Okay, so you may be one of the minority who voted for Kennett. Try SadamHussienus,
AdolfHitlerus or whoever you think of as evil.
They have the bucks, they get the name – simple really!
Any way I looked at it, the scheme stank.
So much so I went to the ICZN with a formal complaint.
They have a format for their submissions and I did my complaint accordingly.
I sent it to the ICZN head, Phil Tubbs in the UK.
He replied to me fairly quickly.
He agreed with me.
That was the good part.
The bad part was that he said it was outside of the ICZN’s jurisdiction.
He referred to the ‘Rules’ and I take his word on this.
What does all this mean?
Expect more of the same.
Other institutions will have to emulate the Australian Museum’s scheme
to remain ‘competitive’, and yes there will inevitably be a rush of inadequate
taxonomy to assign names to the ever dwindling supply of unnamed species.
In the near future, the idea of naming species in honour of decent people
may be a thing of the past. Instead it will be a game of scientists extorting
money out of the highest bidders.
Oh and what happens if a person parts with a hard-earned $5,000 only to
find that the species named in their honour is later synonymised with an
earlier named species?
Do they get a refund?
Or will the ICZN have to bring in new rules to cover such contingencies.
Maybe they’ll introduce ‘cash for rulings’?
No matter how I look at the new emerging game rules for naming species,
I don’t like it.
Add to this the many highly acrimonious disputes over names that we already
see (e.g. the recent suppression of the names Varanus gouldii and
Varanus rosenbergi (as known and accepted for the last 50 years),
by ICZN decree: the attempted suppression of a couple of hundred Wells
and Wellington names and so on), it looks like a bumpy ride for taxonomy
and nomenclature in the years ahead.
And I’m not just talking reptiles either. The bumpiest ride will probably
be for the invertebrates as the ‘gold rush’ becomes mayhem and more species
are inadvertently named more than once.
As Hal Cogger said ‘Think of the person behind the name’.
I now add ‘and ask, how much did they pay for the honour?’
(Following are the letter and submission I sent to the ICZN and their reply).
PHONE: +61 3 XXX
FAX: +61 3 XXX
MOBILE: +61 412 777 211
E-MAIL: adder@smuggled.com
December 11th 1999
E-mail: P.Tubbs@nhm.ac.uk
I have made a submission to the
ICZN on the matter of cash-for-names as reported here in Australia. The
submission is self-explanatory.
I have made it in the format you seek for the Bull. ZN and hope
that you can publish it in there.
I accept that you may have to modify it somewhat before printing it. However
I ask that you PLEASE allow me to check over the FINAL DRAFT before going
to print.
I am sure that you will appreciate the potential seriousness of the issue
In the first instance I will ONLY be e-mailing this to you as an attached
Microsoft Word 7 file – and then in the text of a second e-mail. If you
have troubles reading or converting the files, please tell me and we can
make other arrangements.
Please acknowledge receipt of the submission when you get it.
Thanking you for your anticipated assistance’s.
Cash for Scientific names: proposed outlawing of the practice.
R. T. Hoser,
Death Adder Services, PO Box 599, Doncaster, Victoria, 3108, Australia.
Abstract. The purpose of this application is to make it against the ICZN rules for a person to accept any cash or other form of gratuity for designating a scientific name in honour of any person, company or corporation. Furthermore the application seeks to automatically make any name invalid when it is found that any reward, financial or otherwise is given to person for naming a species within ten years of the name being published. This application also asks the ICZN to codify and define the nature of cash or other gratuities relevant to the application.
Keywords. Nomeclature, taxonomy, names, cash, financial rewards, Australia.
(1) Use its plenary powers to outlaw or prohibit the validation of scientific names assigned to persons, companies, groups or corporations that are found to have paid a financial or other gratuity for the action. The International Commission for Zoological Nomenclature is hereby asked to do this by automatically declaring invalid (nomen nudem) any name derived by this means.
(2) To use the above proposed rule/s to place on the Official Record of Rejected and Invalid Names in Zoology scientific names assigned to persons, companies, groups or corporations that are found to have paid a financial or other gratuity for the action if that name does gain widespread acceptance and/or use.
(3) The above rule/s to only apply provided that it is either published and/or brought to the ICZN’s attention within fifteen years of the original description being published.
(4) The ICZN to rule that provision or loan of specimens for any purpose not to be defined as a gratuity.
(5) The ICZN to rule that provision of wages or salaries in the course of one’s normal paid employment not to be defined as a gratuity.
(6) The ICZN to rule that provision of normal working benefits or conditions by an employer not to be defined as a gratuity.
(6) The ICZN to set a commencement date for the above rules to apply and to make that date as early as practicable.
Aplin, K. 1999. ‘Amateur’ Taxonomy in Australian Herpetology – Help or Hindrance? Monitor 10 (2/3):104-109.
Australian Society of Herpetologists 1987. Case 2531: Three works by Richard C. Wells and C. Ross Wellington:proposed suppression for nomenclatural purposes, Bull. ZN 44 (2):116-121.
Hoser, R. T. 1991. Endangered Animals of Australia, Pierson Publishing, Sydney. 240 pp.
Hoser, R. T. 1999a. Victoria Police Corruption, Kotabi, Doncaster, Victoria. 736 pp.
Hoser, R. T. 1999b. Victoria Police Corruption - 2, Kotabi, Doncaster, Victoria. 800 pp.
Wells, R.W. and Wellington, C.R. 1984. A synopsis of the class Reptilia in Australia. Australian Journal of Herpetology, 1 (3-4):73-129.
Wells, R.W. and Wellington, C.R. 1985a. A classification of the Amphibia and Reptilia of Australia. Australian Journal of Herpetology, Supplementary Series, (1):1-61.
Wells, R.W. and Wellington, C.R. 1985a. A synopsis of the Amphibia and Reptilia of New Zealand. Australian Journal of Herpetology, Supplementary Series, (1):62-64.
Woodford, J. 1999. For the relative with everything - a new species. Sydney Morning Herald, December 11:3.
Subject: "Names for cash"
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 12:23:32 +0000
From: Philip Tubbs <P.Tubbs@nhm.ac.uk>
To: adder@smuggled.com
Dear Mr Hoser,
Thank you for your message and the attached draft application relating
to "names for cash".
The idea is far from new, and of course there are many grey areas (people
from the 18th century onwards have often named animals and plants after
their mentors and sponsors!). You are not alone in regarding the "sale"
of names for cash as undesirable (I myself would join you in this), and
in some circumstances unethical.
Your draft application relates directly to ethics, and the Commission has
always resolved that it should not, and cannot, get involved in any aspect
of this field. A new edition of the Code has just been published, as you
probably know, and like its predecessors this contains an Appendix (a "Code
of Ethics"). Point 4 of this reads "No author should propose
a name that, to his or her knowledge or reasonable belief, would be likely
to give offence on any grounds"; point 7 reads "The observation
of these principles [of ethics] is a matter for the proper feelings and
conscience of individual zoologists, and the Commission is not empowered
to investigate or rule upon alleged breaches of them". It follows
that the Commission cannot rule on, or even consider, any matter which
is purely one of propriety, whatever might be the individual opinions of
its members.
Quite apart from this overriding position, the practicalities would be
insuperable. They would involve the retrospective disqualifying of names
on the sole ground that they had been formulated expressly in return for
some financial transaction of benefit to the authors; this would be difficult
to demonstrate objectively and the many complications (at each stage of
the argument) are obvious. The Commission can deal only with the objective
status of names and their impact on biological science, not with the motives
(actual or supposed) of their authors.
As you will see, it is not possible for the Commission to deal with applications
such as the one you have sent, though this is certainly not to say that
members would approve of the making of offers of "names for sale".
I hope you will not regard this as "censorship"; it is merely
the case that ethics fall outside the Commission's remit.
With best wishes for the season and the new century,
Philip Tubbs
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
c/o The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD
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