Wells and Wellington
- It's time to bury the hatchet!
Raymond Hoser, New Address: 488 Park Road, Park Orchards, Victoria, 3134,
Phone: (03) 9812 3322 Fax:
(03) 9812 3355 Mobile: 0412 777 211 E-mail: adder@smuggled.com
Originally published in hard copy in Calodema
(Supplementary Paper No. 1):1-9 on 5 April 2007.
Download the pdf file of this paper
– click here.
A new year in a new millenium is a good
time to take stock of herpetology in Australia and where it is heading and this
is what this article seeks to do.
A dispassionate look at the science,
taxonomy and nomenclature as being used in the Australian herpetological scene
leads to the inescapable conclusion that it's progress is being severely
hampered by the general non-acceptance and usage of names assigned to species
and genera by two men in the early 1980's.
They were of course Richard W. Wells
and Cliff Ross Wellington.
Now before I continue with my appraisal
of the present, I'll step back into the past and explain how we got into the
current mess.
On pages 161-198 of the 1963 edition of
his book Reptiles of Australia, Eric
Worrell published a current listing of all known Australian reptilian taxa,
synonyms and the like in a so-called "Checklist of Australian
Reptiles". It was in effect a
complete catalogue and by far the most complete checklist of Australian
herpetofauna to that date.
Cogger expanded on this when in 1983 he
published Zoological Catalogue of
Australia (1) Amphibia and Reptilia , which was almost immediately accepted
as the current and accepted list of "in use" names for herpetological
taxa here in Australia.
Now due to the size of Australia's
herpetofauna (in terms of species diversity) and the fact that historically
they have been relatively understudied, it was of no surprise that there were
glaring deficiencies in this list in terms of well-known species being omitted
and numerous taxa of different phylogenetic origins being lumped into single
More than anything else, Cogger's work
didn't so much give a listing of the current status of Australia's herpetofauna
and it's taxonomic status, but rather highlighted the deficiencies in this
By way of example, the idea that all
Australian monitors should be placed into the single genus "Varanus", is clearly not within the
modern taxonomic definition of the term (“Genus”) as applied to other reptile
groups such as skinks, agamids and so on.
Ditto for the Australian tree frogs, which while immensely variable were
still anachronistically being placed into the single genus "Litoria".
Sooner or later this would have had to
be changed, as for example, had happened with the tree frogs from Eurasia and
North America.
In many ways the burning question was
"who" would be the person or persons who conduct these taxonomic
reviews, not when this would occur.
Now most readers of this article will
be aware that in most cases one doesn't have to be a genius, or have decades of
academic training to be able to work out which species are alike and which are
In fact, most species and generic
placements in zoology were made by people with relatively little, if any formal
training in the given areas. This was
especially true in the older days of late last century and early this century.
Enter Wells and Wellington.
The "who" question was
effectively answered when in 1983 and 1985, the two men published a series of
papers reclassifying all of Australasia's (and New Zealand's) herpetofauna as
it was then known (Wells and Wellington 1983, 1985a, 1985b).
While some of their taxonomic changes
at the genus and species level are either questionable and/or on the surface
appear to be in error (some most certainly are error, e.g. see Hoser 2000 for
examples), the inescapable fact is that in the main, most of their taxonomic acts
do in fact do little more than state the obvious and make what were in effect
long overdue changes and corrections to the Australian taxonomy and
Again perhaps the best example of this
is the long overdue division of the Australian tree frogs from "Litoria" into the appropriate
Now in the case of these frogs,
numerous previous authors had already identified these new Wells and Wellington
genera as "species groups", even in the popular literature, but
without going the next step and assigning genus names to them, so these new
names were not bolts out of the blue as such, but rather in effect a statement
of the obvious.
The only thing "radical" as
such by the actions of Wells and Wellington was that they had done the
1. Conducted such
a huge reclassification and renaming of so many species at one time, namely
they’d proposed a total of 357 taxonomic and nomenclatural acts/changes.
2. Done the
above, allegedly without consulting other herpetologists who claimed interest
in and/or expertise in the relevant fields.
In the case of the first, there is
nothing wrong in any way with what Wells and Wellington did and there is no
need for them to defend their actions.
For the rest of Australia's herpetologists, Wells and Wellington had
effectively hastened and short-cutted a process that without their intervention
would have inevitably taken place over the next few decades anyway.
In the case of the second point above, the
pair claim to have consulted widely and say that they were torn between a
desire to respect the wishes of others to investigate and describe taxa and the
inevitable risk that people may "claim" various taxa, only to
monopolize them and then do nothing for several years, which then goes against
the guidelines and spirit of the ICZN's code.
Wells and Wellington say they assessed each taxa on it's merits in terms
of who claimed knowledge on them and whether or not they'd be likely to publish
on them in the forseeable future.
Nearly twenty years after these
publications, the issue as to who was right or wrong in terms of point 2 above
are no longer relevant. The names have
been validly assigned and if they identify previously unnamed taxa, must be
used - period!
There have been a number of accusations
made against the Wells and Wellington papers and the two men themselves.
I won't list all of them here, but
these arguments have been raised as reasons by others to continue not to use
the names assigned by Wells and Wellington.
One argument is that their descriptions
have been too brief and therefore shouldn't be used.
While many are indeed very brief, the
fact is that (with very few exceptions) they conform to the ICZN's code at the
time and thus are "legal" so to speak.
More importantly the precedent of
brevity in descriptions is not something the Wells and Wellington pair started.
In fact numerous other noted
taxonomists such as Glen Storr, John Gray, Olive Stull and others are also
noted for their brief descriptions.
That these earlier people were not
attacked for the brevity of their descriptions, makes these brevity attacks on
the Wells and Wellington papers seem a little bit hollow.
Then there's the issue that in some of
their descriptions, Wells and Wellington failed to provide a proper
"diagnosis" for the species they named and thus the descriptions are
Wells and Wellington counter that they
have covered this point in their descriptions by referring to other people's
descriptions of live animals and/or photos in books and other publications.
Regardless of the merits of either
side, this alleged defect in the Wells and Wellington descriptions only occurs
in a handful of the hundreds of taxonomic acts the pair did and so in the
overall scheme of things are not terribly significant in terms of the
acceptance of most of what they did.
Another grievance against the pair is
the names they assigned to various species.
For example naming species after the
likes of Daniel Lunney of NPWS/NSW and former Prime Minister Robert Hawke, both
of whom have by their actions done more harm to herpetology in Australia than
most other "anti-conservation people" really was a retrograde
move. Again, who could see the logic in
naming a species after Darth Vader from Star Wars?
But even then, (assuming the species
named is a valid and previously unnamed taxon) we have to accept the names and
use them, even though we may cringe every time we do so.
And then there's the other issue of
History is littered with examples of
criminals and despots who have improperly leant on people to have species named
after them so as to gain "immortality". And more recently individuals
at the Australian Museum in Sydney has taken the retrograde step of naming
species of invertebrate to whoever is willing to pay them the bucks.
Image it ... Atrax jeffkennetti and Atrax
bobcarri, two new species of spider that are corrupt, dishonest and highly
So we cannot ban the Wells and
Wellington names because the pair had a bad choice of people they decided to
They are again far from unique here.
In 1987 a group of Australian
herpetologists anonymously petitioned the ICZN (under the name of the
"President", "Australian Society of Herpetologists", care
of the National Museum of Victoria) to formally suppress the Wells and
Wellington names (Case 2531). A few
years later (in 1991) this failed, with the ICZN ruling against the submission
(ICZN 1991).
Hal Cogger, who is probably Australia's
most well-respected herpetologist voted against the Wells and Wellington
taxonomy and nomenclature, but was outgunned at the final vote by the
non-Australian delegates.
Cogger, generally regarded as a
"fence sitter" was no doubt reflecting the consensus view of most of
his other herpetological colleagues at Museums and other major institutions
here in Australia.
While the case of the attempted
suppression of the Wells and Wellington names was before the ICZN, there was a
state of limbo here in Australia.
No one here seemed to know what to do
and it was a general "wait and see".
ICZN rules state that names should be
used unless and until suppressed by the ICZN, so in effect, the Wells and
Wellington names should have been adopted the day after they were published (if
applicable and valid), although based on the magnitude of their works, the wait
and see approach was entirely understandable and may in fact have been the
better course to take in the likelihood of suppression by the ICZN occurring.
However once the ICZN finally ruled in
favor of the Wells and Wellington taxonomy in 1991 (as in not suppressing the
publications), that should have been the end of the saga, with the names coming
into general usage.
However the real problem then emerged.
It wasn't so much that Wells and
Wellington had got their taxonomy and nomenclature wrong or that there was
anything inherently evil with the pair.
Rather it was that by naming so many
species and genera (several hundred changes), the pair had effectively deprived
dozens of academics and others of "naming rights" to previously
unnamed species. History would in time
show that many of these people had in effect been permanently deprived of the
chance or privilege to name any reptile or frog species.
We all know that the describer's name
usually appears with the species name and account in almost every relevant book
and other publication that is produced from the date of description and for
ever more. That's the immortalization
part as now being touted by the Australian Museum's invertebrate curators. And
yes, we know how much of an ego trip it is for a person and/or herpetologist to
see his or her name cited, recognized and given credibility in other people's
Thus in effect, Wells and Wellington
had permanently deprived these people of that recognition and in the eyes of
many "stolen" this glory and credibility.
My choice of words in the above two
paragraphs reflects the emotions and words as portrayed in the numerous posts
on the same subject by David Williams and Wolfgang Wuster on various internet
forums as cited by myself in Hoser (2001).
Now in defence of the Wells and
Wellington pair, the same sort of thing has occurred countless times in
history, so even if Wells and Wellington had done the impossible and been pure
evil and deliberately or otherwise stolen naming rights for each and every one
of the taxonomic changes and acts they made, this would have been an act often
repeated prior to them storming onto the herp scene. Witness the countless junior synomyms for various taxa, as assigned
by people who tried to rename them after someone else had got in first and
taken naming rights.
In many ways it's a bit like a colonial
power shoving a flag on a plot of land and saying "mine".
And that's what the real battle was in
terms of the Wells and Wellington saga.
Now, with so many people (often in
positions of influence) that were anti Wells and Wellington, it wasn't at all
surprising that the inertia against using the names assigned by the pair was to
continue for some years after the ICZN's 1991 decision in favor of the pair.
It is here that I now direct my
attention to some of Australia's most eminent herpetologists, whom I believe
should now bury the hatchet so to speak and themselves start using the Wells
and Wellington names.
When Hal Cogger first published his
book Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia
in 1975 the publication was generally regarded as being an up-to-date account
of Australia's herpetofauna.
Nowadays with it's omission of many
validly assigned Wells and Wellington names (including many which are patently
obviously correct and in usage elsewhere), the book is generally regarded as
being incomplete.
This is in many ways a tragedy as it is
otherwise regarded as being one of the better regional field guides in the
To show how stupid this inertia really
is can be seen in the lead-up to the publication of Dave Barker's book on
Australian pythons.
Barker called Cogger and asked him if
the Wells and Wellington generic name for Australia's smaller pythons as in
"Antaresia", was correct.
Cogger said it was.
Barker then asked that if this was so,
then why hadn't Cogger used it in his book (see Cogger 1992). In that book, Cogger had used the old name
"Liasis". Cogger replied
that he didn't want to cop too much flak from his other herp colleagues here in
Australia by going with the correct Wells and Wellington name "Antaresia".
In the end, Cogger said to Barker words
to the effect of "look, you use the name "Antaresia" in your pythons book, you be first and then I'll do
the same in the next edition of my book."
And yes, in 1994, Barker's book came
out, followed by the next Cogger book in 1996, both using the name Antaresia.
In 1992, Mirtschin (and Davis)
published Snakes of Australia’, Dangerous
and Harmless which correctly identified a Death Adder from the Barkly
Tableland of the NT as a separate species from the Southern Death Adder (Acanthophis antacticus). However instead of using the correctly
assigned Wells and Wellington name (A.
hawkei), he merely called it Acanthophis
sp., falsely stating that it was an undescribed species (see page 33).
Now we know that the Wells and
Wellington name should have been used (the nomenclature) as Mirtschin himself
had confirmed that he agreed with the pair's taxonomy (that it was a different
species). And based on the back cover
comment that the book is "authoritative" we assume that the authors
were well aware of the Wells and Wellington name "hawkei".
Or look at the frogs.
Tyler's numerous publications in the
1990's (e.g. Tyler 1992 and Tyler, Smith and Johnstone 1994) still cling to the
erroneous and untenable position that almost all Australian tree frogs are in
the single genus "Litoria".
Both these publications postdate the
ICZN's ruling in 1991.
The problem here is that with Tyler
being by far the most highly regarded authority on Australia's frogs and him
refusing to use the correctly assigned Wells and Wellington names, few if any
other competent herpetologists would want to run the risk of stepping out of
line and adopting the correct names.
By way of example look at the recently
published book Tadpoles of South-eastern
Australia by Marion Anstis. It came
out in 2002 and while it is an excellent book, it still clings to the falsehood
that almost all Australian tree frogs should be placed in the genus "Litoria".
This problem isn't just restricted to
the frogs and few snakes either.
But before I give yet another of the
countless examples of the stupid and idiotic inertia against using the Wells
and Wellington names, let me re-iterate a key point.
I am not saying that the Wells and
Wellington names should be used if the person doesn't agree that they identify
valid and previously unnamed taxa (and/or genus).
If the person feels that the taxa is
something else that was named by someone else, that name should be used.
But as noted in the Mirtschin case
(above) that simply wasn't the case.
This was a case where he clearly agreed with Wells and Wellington's
taxonomic judgement, but had somehow danced around the fact that the pair had
properly named the species.
Now the purpose of this article is not
to promote the cause of Wells and Wellington or their ego's by seeing their
names all over the place, although this is no doubt the unintended effect of my
plea for reason and an upgrading of some of the herpetological practices by
some of Australia's more prominent herpetologists and publishing authors.
That Mirtschin (and others) had failed
to give the pair recognition by using their name for a species doesn't concern
me. However what is at issue is that
his book is in effect defective because a species which carries a proper name
is merely referred to as "sp.", and long after it had ceased to be a
mere "sp.".
Then there was the case when Rob
Valentic and Grant Turner ducked and weaved around the Wells and Wellington
taxonomy in a paper in Herpetofauna (Turner
and Valentic 1998). They knowingly and
improperly called the Queensland black soil plains Bearded Dragon "Pogona brevis" (see Whitten 1994)
even after I'd shown them the publication by Glen Shea in the Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature
(Shea 1995) which made it clear that brevis
was an incorrect junior synonym of the correct and earlier Wells and Wellington
The net result of this wasn't so much a
case of getting up myself or Wells and Wellington, but rather the pair making
fools of themselves by using what was then recognised as wrong taxonomy.
We then had the case of Rob Sprackland
trying to use the anti Wells and Wellington feeling to push the Wells and
Wellington name Varanus keithornei
over in favor of his later assigned name Varanus
teriae (named after Sprackland's wife) (case 3043) (Sprackland, Smith and
Striimple 1997). To their credit the
ICZN knocked that one on the head (Opinion 1970).
The absurdity of the inertia against
using Wells and Wellington names was perhaps best shown in a recent news
article I saw in the Melbourne Herald-Sun
newspaper on 9 November 2001, that had been sent to them via the AAP News
Headlined "Toads Threaten
Crocs" it talked about the threat posed by Cane Toads on Freshwater
Crocodiles in the Liverpool River System of the Northern Territory. Quoting crocodile expert, Graham Webb, the
article read:
"He said
the isolated population of crocs in the Liverpool River weighed about 3 kg to
5kg and were quite different to other freshwater crocodiles."
Now I don't claim a greater expertise
on these animals than Webb, but it is evident that he regards them as being a
different taxa to the type species Crocodylus
johnstoni from North Queensland.
That being the case, then why did Webb
himself and the journalist appear to dance around the fact that the species had
a name?
And what is it?
"Crocodylus webbi"!
Now it is evident that Webb and others
recognise this taxa as being different (thereby putting the Wells and
Wellington taxonomy out of issue in this case), but due to the anti Wells and
Wellington inertia they all seem to be reluctant to use the proper name for it
(the nomenclature).
Now sooner or later, the name must come
into use. Ditto for the other Wells and
Wellington names. The delays in general
adoption of the names that are obviously correct is now acting as a major
blockage in Australian herpetology.
(Here I won't delve into the changes at
the generic level for crocs as made by the pair).
In 1998 I published a taxonomic
revision of Australia's Death Adders (Genus Acanthophis). There was nothing terribly magical in the
paper or so I thought. The snakes had
been put into the "too hard" basket for too long.
But after publication I copped quite a
bit of flack.
And what was most of this for?
Yes, it was for using Wells and
Wellington names like Acanthophis hawkei.
Now I was damned no matter what I did.
You see, the species hawkei is clearly valid, and so I had no
choice but to call the snake something.
Usage of any other name would have been in error, so in the end I copped
flack for merely doing the right thing.
Of course I could have taken the easy
road and called it a "sp.", but that wouldn't have been correct and
either this year, next, or sometime down the track the correct name "hawkei" would come into general
Also if I'd merely called it a
"sp." I'd have copped flak for not assigning a name to it!
(I was generally damned for naming a
species of snake "Acanthophis
wellsei", with one prominent herpetologist at a Museum asking me,
"but why did you name a snake after such a dead c--t!". Now I'm not
arguing with his opinion (which at that level he's entitled to … and based on
Richard Well’s recent attacks on me on various matters, I may at times agree
with), but hopefully the correctly assigned name won't be black-banned on that
And yes, I've lost track of the
countless papers on taxonomy in Australian herps over the past decade that have
devalued themselves by effectively dancing around the Wells and Wellington
taxonomy by calling species named by them as "undescribed" or
"sp." when it is patently clear that the authors are aware of their
proper names, even by citing the very Wells and Wellington papers at the foot
of their own publications.
I've given a few examples above. Of course Wells and Wellington know of heaps
more such cases and give just a few more in their paper (Wells and Wellington
1999) as published in Monitor
This trend has not been universal. In his recent reclassification of the
She-Oak Skinks in the late 1990's, Glen Shea used the Wells and Wellington
names that Shea thought had been validly assigned to previously undescribed
taxa (those Shea papers not cited here).
But the fact is that currently most
Australian herpetologists are unfamiliar with many of the properly assigned
Wells and Wellington names and it appears that description of still unnamed
taxa may be hampered due to this general lack of usage and information on these
And/or people may inadvertently happen
to waste a huge amount of time and effort and describe previously named taxa as
occurred with both Whitten and Sprackland.
Commonly herpetologists and private
keepers and enthusiasts have said that they are uncertain if a given taxa has
or hasn't already been named by the pair and hence proper studies of little
known taxa are being either deferred or even cancelled.
Now what does all this mean?
For nearly two decades the hatchets
have been out on the Wells and Wellington pair. They have been attacked and vilified from many quarters of
Australian herpetology.
What I now say is that it's time for
herpetology here to move on.
Even if Wells and Wellington are pure
evil as alleged by some, the correct taxonomy and nomenclature should be used …
we are stuck with them.
Let's bury the hatchets and stop
dancing around the taxonomy and/or nomenclature that has already been
effectively resolved. We should get rid
of our sour grapes and use the names that should be used so that we can all
move on to better things including fixing up the taxonomy here that still needs
And yes, there's still loads of taxa
that Wells and Wellington overlooked for the latter day herpers to name.
Anonymous 1987. ‘Case 2531. Three works
by Richard W. Wells and C. Ross Wellington: proposed suppression for
nomenclatural purposes’, (allegedly written by the unnamed “President of the
Australian Society of Herpetologists”), Bulletin
of Zoological Nomenclature 44(2):116-121. Anonymous 2001. 'Toads Threaten
Crocs', Herald-Sun, November 9.
Anstis, M. 2002. Tadpoles of
South-eastern Australia. Reed New Holland Publishers, Frenches Forest, NSW,
Australia. 281 pp.
Aplin, K. 1999. ‘Amateur’ Taxonomy in
Australian Herpetology – Help or Hindrance? Monitor
– Journal of the Victorian Herpetological Society 10 (2/3):104-109.
Barker, D. G. and Barker, T. M. 1994, Pythons of the World, Volume 1, Australia,
Advanced Vivarium Systems Inc, California, USA:189 pp.
Cogger, H. G. 1975. Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia,
Revised Edition, Reed Publishing, Sydney, NSW, Australia. 584 pp.
Cogger, H. G. 1992. Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia,
Revised Edition, Reed Publishing, Sydney, NSW, Australia. 775 pp.
Cogger, H. G. 1996. Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia,
Revised Edition, Reed Publishing, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Cogger, H. G. et. al. 1983. Zoological Catalogue of Australia (1)
Amphibia and Reptilia, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra,
ACT, Australia. 319 pp.
Hoser, R. T. 1998. ‘Death adders (genus
Acanthophis): an overview, including
descriptions of five new species and one subspecies’, Monitor 9(2): Cover, 20-30, 33-41.
Hoser, R. T. 2000 'A revision of the
Australasian Pythons', Ophidia Review
ICZN 1991. Decision of the commission.
Three works by Richard W. Wells and C. Ross Wellington: proposed suppression
for nomenclatural purposes. Bulletin of
Zoological Nomenclature 48(4):337-38.
Hoser, R. T. 2001. 'A current
assessment of the status of the snakes of the genera Cannia and Pailsus,
including descriptions of three new subspecies from the Northern Territory and
Western Australia, Australia.' Boydii -
Journal of the Herpetological Society of Queensland Incorporated, July
2001. 'Opinion 1970' Bulletin of
Zoological Nomenclature 58(1), 30 March 2001 in Volume 58.
Mirtschin, P. and Davis, R. 1992, ‘Snakes of Australia’, Dangerous and
Harmless, Hill of Content, Melbourne, Australia:216 pp.
Shea, G. M. 1995, ‘The holotype and
additional records of Pogona henrylawsoni
Wells and Wellington, 1985.’, Memoirs of
the Queensland Museum, 38(2):574.
Sprackland, Smith and Strimple 1997.
Case 3043, Varanus teriae Sprackland,
1991 (Reptilia, Squamata):proposed conservation of the specific name', Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature
54(2), June:100-102.
Turner, G. and Valentic, R. 1998.
'Notes on the occurrence and habits of Pogona
brevis', Herpetofauna 28 (1):12-18.
Tyler, M. J. 1992, Encyclopedia of Australian Animals - Frogs, The National
Photographic Index of Australian Wildlife/Angus and Robertson, Pymble, NSW,
Australia. 124 pp.
Tyler, M. J., Smith, L. A. and
Johnstone, R. E. 1994, Frogs of Western
Australia. Western Australian Museum, Perth, WA. 187 pp.
Wells, R. W. and Wellington, C. R. 1983.
A synopsis of the class Reptilia in Australia’, Australian Journal of Herpetology, 1 (3-4):73-129.
Wells, R. W. and Wellington, C. R.
1985a. ‘A classification of the Amphibia and Reptilia of Australia’, Australian Journal of Herpetology, Supplementary
Series, (1):1-61.
Wells, R. W. and Wellington, C. R.
1985b. ‘A synopsis of the Amphibia and Reptilia of New Zealand’, Australian Journal of Herpetology,
Supplementary Series, (1):62-64.
Wells, R.W. and Wellington, C.R. 1999. ‘A response to Ken Aplin’s
article on Herpetology in Australia’, Monitor
– Journal of the Victorian Herpetological Society 10 (2/3):110-112.
Whitten, G. J. (1994), ‘Taxonomy of Pogona (Reptilia: Lacertilia:
Agamidae).’, Memoirs of the Queensland
Museum, 37(1):329-343.
Worrell, E. 1963, Reptiles of Australia, Angus and Robertson, Sydney. 222 pp.
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