Monitor - Journal of the Victorian Herpetological Society.

Advertising Rates and Guidelines.

These guidelines are published at and may be downloaded by any person.

Monitor is currently not being produced. However the former guidelines for potential advertisers remains on this website:
1/ In case the publication is resurrected in the near future and
2/ To help potential advertisers who wish to submit to other herpetological publications.
Therefore it is asked that until further notice on this site to the contrary, people do not send in material for publication as adverts in Monitor.
Below are the former guidelines...

Advertising: Monitor will accept advertising if the product or service is deemed to be of interest to readers. When adverts, advertorials, etc., are printed, they are usually in such manner as to fill what would otherwise be blank space, such as at the end of articles. Monitor does not accept advertisements for sale of live reptiles or related live products such as food, including frozen foods. Whether or not adverts are accepted and/or printed is the editor's decision alone and it is final. If interested in advertising in Monitor, please read these guidelines and then if you have any queries, consult the editor by phone.

Circulation: As an advertising medium, Monitor is second to none. Most of it's circulation is by subscription and magazines sold tend to remain in circulation indefinitely. They are also routinely read, re-read and cited, meaning advertisers get repeated exposure of their products and/or services, long after the advert is paid for, placed and published.

Presentation: Advertisers should not present any material for publication until after being cleared in writing by the editor to advertise. Advertisers MUST present all materials in the form of "Camera-ready-artwork" before publishing deadline in order to have their advert printed. There are NO exceptions to this. This material must accompany payment for the advertisement. No adverts will be published unless paid for prior to anticipated publication. In the unlikely event that monies are taken for advertising and no advert is printed, then all monies paid will be refunded.

Advertising rates:

(Per issue)

Payment For Adverts: Cheques should be sent in Australian dollars to:- The Secretary, Victorian Herpetological Society, C/O Editor Monitor, PO Box 599, Doncaster, Victoria, 3108, Australia. Accompanying the cheque should be a cover note/letter clearly indicating what the cheque is for.

Free Advertisements: Occasionally and at the editor's discretion only, free adverts are printed on behalf of a vendor, usually in recognition of substantial unpaid services. Ther most notable examples of these types of ads have been recent ones for The Herp Shop run by Brian and Lani Barnett in gratitude to the vast number of hours of unpaid work they have put into running the Victorian Herpetological Society and publishing Monitor for over 20 years.

Submission of advertising material to Monitor is taken as consent to the following publishing terms and conditions:-

Monitor Editor's Address For Correspondence:
Raymond T. Hoser (Editor: Monitor),
PO Box 599,
Doncaster, Victoria, 3108,
E-mail address: XXX
Within Australia: Phone: (03) XXXX

All other inquiries re the Victorian Herpetological Society: Including Monitor subscriptions, distribution inquiries, etc, should be directed to:
Brian Barnett, (President, Victorian Herpetological Society),
16 Suspension Street,
Ardeer, Victoria, 3022,
E-mail address:
Within Australia: Phone: (03) 9363-6841 Fax: (03) 93605-6704
International: Phone: +61 3 9363-6841 Fax: +61 3 9360-5704

Monitor - Guidelines for authors and contributors

Monitor - Index to volumes 7 and 8.

Over Fourty Herpetological Papers - Downloadable in full.

Victorian Herpetological Society Home page

  Out of control:   Crime
....Previously covered-up info.

Non-urgent email inquiries via the Snakebusters bookings page at:

Urgent inquiries phone:
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia:
(03) 9812 3322 or 0412 777 211