Fred Kraus a pseudoscientist and member of the
Wolfgang Wuster gang of thieves has recently published a paper in a PRINO online journal, called Zootaxa in which he openly admits to breaching copyright law and stealing work from a scientific paper by Snakeman Raymond Hoser published in 2018.
PRINO journals like Zootaxa are "peer review in name only" and are not in any sense of the phrase, actually peer reviewed.
It is worth reporting that Lepidodactylus aignanus Kraus, 2019 is an illegal junior synonym of Shireenhosergecko jarradbinghami Hoser, 2018,
Lepidodactylus kwasnickae Kraus, 2019 is an illegal junior synonym of Adelynhosergecko brettbarnetti Hoser, 2018,
Lepidodactylus mitchelli Kraus, 2019 is an illegal junior synonym of Adelynhosergecko stevebennetti Hoser, 2018,
Lepidodactylus sacrolineatus Kraus and Oliver, 2020 is an illegal junior synonym of Bobbottomcolotes bobbottomi Hoser, 2018,
and Lepidodactylus zweifeli Kraus, 2019 is an illegal junior synonym of Bobbottomcolotes potens Hoser, 2018.
These thieves cited the non peer reviewed blog document, Kaiser et al. (2012) and (2013), as repeatedly amended and altered as their basis to steal the work of Hoser, 2018 and rebadge it as their new scientific research, which was a serious act of extreme fraud.
Both men, Fred Kraus and Paul Oliver have also scammed millions of dollars in "scientific research grants" from grants committees and the net result of this is the wholly unscientific theft of material from other authors, taken while they live the high life, misappropriating funds in acts of fraud at tax-payer's expense and holidaying in exotic locations.
See the relevant papers, including the original scientific research of Hoser in 2018 and then the theft works by Kraus and then Kraus and Oliver at:
Hoser, R. T. 2018d. A revised taxonomy of the gecko genera Lepidodactylus Fitzinger, 1843,
Luperosaurus Gray, 1845 and Pseudogekko Taylor, 1922 including the formal erection of
new genera and subgenera to accommodate the most divergent taxa and description of 26
new species. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 38 (August):32-64.
and the online PRINO papers by the thieves at:
Kraus, F. 2019. New species of Lepidodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from New Guinea and adjacent islands. Zootaxa (online) 4651(2):305-329.
Kraus, F. and Oliver, P. 2020. A new species of Lepidodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the mountains of northeastern Papua New Guinea: older than the hills. Zootaxa (Online) 4718(4):549-561.
(Find them by entering the paper name into a search engine).
Raymond Hoser, best known as THE SNAKEMAN, is also the world’s foremost reptile expert. Raymond Hoser is the Snakeman. Details of his work here.
28 April 2018 - Spectacular new species of large spiky lizard discovered in the Mount Isa area. ...
Besids teaching people worldwide how to handle deadly venomous snakes, with his globally recognized and accredited snake course training, he is single-handedly leading the way in saving the world’s most threatened and endangered species.
BR>He has been a leader in science and conservation of wildlife for over 50 years.
He is known to pretty much everyone in the wildlife space as the leader in the fight to save rare and threatened species.
For decades he has been making important scientific discoveries and breakthroughs that have literally saved dozens of species from extinction.
In the 1980’s he was the first to mass breed snakes using methods that are now standard practice globally.
Hoser was also the first to mass breed snakes and lizards using artificial insemination using a method now used by zoos and private breeders across the planet.
Hoser was the first to dramatically improve the welfare of venomous snakes in captivity by developing a pain free way to surgically remove venom glands from snakes, thereby removing risk of venomous bite to handler and the need to attack them daily with sticks and tongs for wildlife shows.
Hoser has also appeared on countless TV wildlife documentaries, worked behind the scenes in many more, authored nine major books, contributed to dozens of others, authored hundreds of major peer reviewed scientific papers, collaborated with other scientists in countless scientific projects, publications and the like, got countless major awards, prizes and the like for his works, including an award two years running from the International Herpetological Society in the UK for best scientific paper published the previous year, and was also the first person on the planet to successfully develop dog snake avoidance training to protect people's canine pets from venomous snakebite.
But where the snakeman has become best known in recent decades is for his stellar work in discovering and cataloguing new species of reptile from across the planet.
Over decades, he has discovered and formally named hundreds of species of snake and lizard from all parts of the globe, as well as a smattering of species such as snapping turtles in the USA and Australia, frogs, crocodiles, spiders and even a possum. In fact the Snakeman Raymond Hoser is often described as a taxonomist powerhouse in view of the sheer volume of species he has managed to discover and name.
Of course no species can be conserved by people if it is unknown to science and this is exactly why Hoser has been so keen to catalogue the planet’s threatened biodiversity.
While how many species a person has discovered and named is not the only measure of the work done by a zoologist, it is one way to do so and is widely used. On that measure, Hoser easily outclasses all others in the reptile space. In fact no one born in the last 150 years has discovered and named as many species as Snakeman Raymond Hoser.
For those wondering why Hoser has become famous for naming new species, it is simple really. The names of Hoser, as regulated by the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature of the species appear in all relevant books and scientific paper and next to each scientific name is published the name of the discoverer, called name authority, and the year in which they published it. So in most books reptile the name Hoser appears throughout!
Back in the 1800’s it was easy for scientists to discover and name new species as the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus devised the current system of nomenclature in the late 1700’s. So back then everything was fair game to be scientifically "discovered" and named for the first time. Since about 1900, all the easy to discover vertebrates had been named and it really did take a lot of work to go into the wilds to find and name new species.
Hoser has also been criticized for naming so many species by a vocal minority in the reptile space. The general jist has been along the lines that by naming species, he is depriving others of the right. Hoser’s retorts are simple, “go find something and name it … even with reptiles, there are thousands of unnamed species still out there”.
Furthermore, Hoser says that if he delays naming the relevant species, they may well become extinct, while others dither over them.
In fact this has already occurred!
In 2016, Hoser formally named about 10 new species of Pacific Boa (Candoia) in a major monograph. By then however some were already probably extinct as feral animals, such as mongoose, had exterminated them on the islands they’d previously occurred on.
More recently, Hoser has been victim of a new form of scourge attacking the wider zoological community.
This is taxonomic vandalism.
To the uninformed, this is when a so-called scientist deliberately renames a species that already has a scientific name and then in breach of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, tries to get the illegally coined name used instead of the correct one.
In 2013, Hoser discovered and named a species of Forest Cobra from west Africa. Five years later a Welsh university lecturer, named Wolfgang Wüster illegally renamed it with his own coined name, falsely claiming to have discovered the species.
The damage caused by Wüster’s taxonomic vandalism cannot be understated as the species is dangerous to humans and confusion in identification can and will cause avoidable deaths.
Hoser says, pseudo-scientists and anti-scientists like Wuster are not only putting lives at risk, but wasting time of genuine scientists like himself who then have to waste time correcting their deliberate mistakes. This is time that could be better spent doing other things, including cataloguing other as yet unnamed species!
In years past it was difficult to ascertain whether or not a given potential new species had been named by another scientist. However now there are excellent so-called synonyms lists available and this makes the job of identifying unnamed species much easier and is one of the reasons that Hoser has been able to name so many new species.
Hoser said “If I wasn’t so tied up with my other critically important work doing educational wildlife displays, I could go out and name over 1,000 more reptile species within a few short years, if only I had the time to do so”.
Hoser hopes other scientists and scientists in training engage in the science of naming species and not just for reptiles, because as of 2018, most of the planet’s biological diversity remains unnamed and therefore at greater risk of extinction.
However Hoser warns, “If taxonomic vandals like Wolfgang Wuster are allowed to get away with stealing the works of others and then illegally renaming the same species, this will seriously deter conservation-minded people from putting in the necessary effort to discover and name new species in the first place”.
In 2018, Wolfgang Wüster simply lifted the work of the Hoser (2013) paper and repackaged it as his own in an online PRINO Journal called Zootaxa.
PRINO is an acronym for the words, peer reviewed in name only, which is exactly how the online journal Zootaxa works.
The improper claim of formal peer review is made to enhance the alleged credibility of the paper by the taxonomic vandal, Wuster.
The International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), who govern scientific names of animals, have had a serious problem in dealing with online journals such as Zootaxa which by using the online model, now make it easier for taxonomic vandals like Wuster to spread their toxic non-science more widely.
Wüster and his cohort, haven't just decided to steal the works of Raymond Hoser and falsely claim it as his own. His gang of thieves have attacked the works of dozens of other scientists, including the late John Edward Gray of the British Museum, who died about 150 years ago and therefore cannot defend his works from being stolen by Wuster's gang.
Fortunately other scientists will defend the science of zoology and have already taken steps to stop Wuster and like minded thieves from disrupting the science of taxonomy and the associated work of conservationists.
For example in 1991, in a near unanimous decision, the Wuster gang was stopped in their tracks by the International Commission for Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) trying to illegally rename hundreds of species and genera discovered and named by eminent Australian scientists Richard Wells and Ross Wellington, but this has not stopped his gang from still trying to do so.
In other words, taxonomic vandalism as practiced by Wolfgang Wuster will not only cause scientists like Raymond Hoser grief and time wasted, but also cause the extinction of species and even the science powerhouse Raymond Hoser cannot stop that!
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