By Ashley O'Toole (editor of Beachhead).
Addressing the unlawful removal and censorship of Raymond Hoser's/Kotabi Publishing books from public access.
SEPTEMBER 2002 -- The control of information is imperative to governing power structures & what information can be readily accessed by the general public. The underbelly of these state-based power structures in Victoria & the extremities this dark control structure will go to to protect itself & it's heinous acts , is clearly documented & evidenced where Raymond Hoser's [Kotabi Publishing] corruption titles are concerned.
Refer to backdated media releases on if you're not in the awareness of Raymond Hoser's case - the three books in question are; The Hoser Files; The Fight Against Entrenched Official Corruption [1995] , & Victoria Police Corruption [installments 1 & 2; 1998-9] - three of the most damaging titles , threatening the integrity & shattering the illusion of conservatives , who place entire [blind] faith in not only government control & power structures , but the judiciary & policing systems in the state of Victoria.
The enormity of information & documentation presented in each one of the aforementioned titles [notably the impressive 800+ page Victoria Police Corruption 2] surpasses any previous titles in recent years , with such a wealth of information & damning documentation , truly challenging the system. Mind you , all three of these titles were accessible to the public...until recently.
Are the likes of Robert Hulls , Geoffrey Eames , Hugh Francis Adams & Pat McCabe , to name a minute few , aware that by withdrawing Hoser titles from the public library system, in fact reflects on their own integrity & ignorance in the realization , that sooner or later , it will be common knowledge , the aforementioned , along with many others will be made accountable.
To give you an idea of the scope & magnitude of the malevolence documented by Hoser, the following is a brief summation of what respected & high-level government , judiciary & policing figures , mostly highly regarded by mainstream society have/are &/or engaged in:
Drug trafficking
Money laundering & embezzlement
Intentional homicide
Sex scandals
Political corruption & set-ups
As relayed in Hoser's August 5th media release; "Ex-magistrate appears to be in contempts of his own court - shred & destroy all Hoser corruption books!" , Deacons Lawyers , or more so in particular , lawyer Pat McCabe wrote on behalf of [former magistrate] Hugh Francis Adams a letter , addressed to all Victorian libraries demanding the removal of Hoser books from library shelves. The letter was dated February 8th & it wasn't until July 22nd [approximately] that Raymond Hoser himself found out about his books being withdrawn from public access via the Victorian library system.
Revealed in the said media release Victorian libraries were instructed not to tell Raymond Hoser or Kotabi of what was taking place. Clearly an illegal contempt of court not only by Hugh Francis Adams , but Pat McCabe also.
It was Robert Hulls who exercised all powers possible [primarily illegal & criminal in intent alone] by using stand over tactics when the Victorian libraries governing body VicLink sought legal advice. Library staff who failed to undertake the directive issued by Robert Hulls
would face reprisals. This was evidenced when back in the period of February/March whilst sourcing unrelated research material , I curiously did an availability search of Raymond Hoser titles within the Brimbank City Council library branches. I soon discovered Raymond Hoser's Victoria Police Corruption - 2 , had been removed from the St.Albans branch. Other titles throughout the branches were no longer available for borrowing but only had a 'Reference' material status.
Upon contacting the Brimbank City Council I was meet with stone cold silence; no response has been received in writing. All enquiries concerning Hoser's titles in person or by phone are meet with inept responses of why Hoser's titles have been removed & have become inaccessible for borrowing.
It was the Brimbank City Council who was one of the first library services to implement filtering software on their computers , so patrons could only access power-structure friendly websites , on the Internet [mainstream & the like]. Oddly enough , I am told Raymond Hoser's website is still accessible from there selective library branch computer terminals (?) With a state election tentatively scheduled for the last Saturday of November; make no mistake about it , Steve Bracks has been financed to remain Victorian Premier once again through channels such as The Melbourne Club [upper Collins St.] , the [Freemasonic] Victorian Bar Association , the Fabian Society & the like. You don't really think voters have any power do you when they're casting a ballot?
Robert Hulls , Geoffrey Eames , Hugh Francis Adams , Pat McCabe & the countless others who are in the knowledge of all endeavours to effectively gag , restrict & censor Raymond Hoser material to harbour & protect pedophiles , drug traffickers , corrupt figures & continually feed their ongoing ego-induced status & remain subservient to the power structures they have pledged their allegiance to , all are to be accountable.
People are to be brought into the awareness of what is taking place & for the illusions these power structures sustain , to be shattered. This will occur only if people themselves choose to no longer believe the lies & refute the stand-over tactics being implemented by those in the knowledge , that their dark plans are no longer tolerated in this awareness.
This has remained ongoing because we have chosen to give the dog's a bone to chew & consummate by absorbing their lies & tolerating their dark agenda of suppression & control. Enough is enough. The focus of awareness needs to be broadened & brought into the realization that what has been emphasized here-on-in is happening now.
Ashley O'Toole , P.O.Box 453 Niddrie 3042 VIC Australia , fax; (03) 9748 6010
Further resources:
Brimbank City Council; Old Calder Hwy , Keilor 3036 VIC ph; 9249 4000,
Administration; McCracken St. Sunshine 3020 ph; 9249 4296
Sunshine; 301 Hampshire Rd. Sunshine 3020 ph; 9249 4040
St.Albans; 71a Alfrieda St. St.Albans 3021 ph; 9366 4653
Deer Park; Cnr.Neil & Station Rds. Deer Park ph; 9360 4499
Keilor; Kennedy St. Keilor 3036 ph; 9336 4191
Maribyrnong City Council; 2 Wests Rd. Maribyrnong ph; 9317 3633
Municipal offices;
Napier St. Footscray ph; 9688 0200
Footscray; 56 Paisley St. Footscray ph; 9688 0290
Highpoint; 200 Rosamond Rd. Maribyrnong ph; 9688 0231
Kingsville; 32 Wembley Ave. Newport ph; 9688 0294
West Footscray; 539 Barkly St. ph; 9688 0292
Pat McCabe/Deacons Lawyers; 385 Bourke St. Melbourne 3000 ph; (03) 8686 6250 fax; (03) 8686 6505
Geoffrey Michael Eames; 18 Lawes St. Hawthorn 3122 ph; (03) 9853 9948
Hugh Francis Adams; 22 Murray St. Mentone 3194 VIC