Book Publishing – prospective authors.
As a rule we do not publish other people's books, manuscripts, etc.
Kotabi and Raymond Hoser has neither the funds, time or resources to do this.
Within these constraints, Raymond Hoser has a permanent request out for information about corruption - those who may be able to assist are asked to click onto the following webpage address first:-
Assuming you have a manuscript that you feel has "best-seller" potential, or "must be published" we suggest that you publish it yourself.
In this day and age it has never been easier to publish your own book.
As of year 2000, the cost is usually in the vicinity of about $20,000 for a standard 100,000 word book to print 3,000-6,000 copies of an average quality (B/W) book.
Assuming you are sure your book will sell at least 1,000 copies with minimal effort, then you should seriously consider doing the project yourself. Kotabi can offer NO assistance – so please don't ask for any.
If you are insistent on having a publisher (other than yourself) publish your work, we suggest that you obtain a copy of a listing of book publishers from somewhere such as the Australian Bookseller and Publisher office in Sydney. We do not have their address details here. We then advise you to target only those publishers likely to print your kind of work – in other words don't bother approaching a natural history publisher with a kid's book.
There used to be a stigma in doing this. There no longer is. Raymond Hoser had his first three books published with a mainstream publisher. All sold out. He now publishes his books through Kotabi Publishing (a company he has a stake in) and thus keeps more of the profits.
We assume that your manuscript is on computer disk or similar. If it isn't, then you must put it onto a disk as a word-processed manuscript before you or anyone else can do anything with it as far as publication is concerned. No one will look at a hand-written manuscript.
In line with the above we cannot be of assistance to people wanting books published at the present time.
We do however offer the following general advice.
As far as publication goes once one has a word-processed manuscript there are certain steps.
These are roughly as follows:-
1/ Editing of the manuscript.
2/ Design and layout.
3/ Printing.
4/ Selling.
1/ Editing