reptiles in Australia … where to from here? |
Raymond Hoser, PO Box 599, Doncaster,
Victoria, 3108, Australia.
Phone: +61 412 777 211 E-mail: adder@smuggled.com
Originally published in Crocodilian – Journal of the Victorian
Association of Amateur Herpetologists 6(1)(May 2006):22-28.
As far as exotic reptiles in Australia
are concerned, these are interesting times.
An upsurge in numbers here in Australia
has led to a corresponding increase in general interest in these animals, not
just from reptile keepers, but also from the various law enforcement agencies
who have to deal with the "problem". And so we now face a situation whereby the various
involved groups or "stakeholders" are all peddling their own agendas
to get the outcome that they seek..
The problem however is that several of
these agendas appear to be incompatible and thus further conflict between the
parties is likely to continue.
This paper serves to appraise the
current situation and then put forward some rational and very different
suggestions in terms of the exotics issue and where to proceed in the immediate
future. I do not expect to win any
popularity contest for publishing my open and frank views on the subject and
accept that views contrary to those published in this paper may also be valid
and legitimate
brief history of exotic reptiles in Australia
If one ignores the hyperbole of the
tabloid media, you'll probably find the most accurate appraisal of the exotic
reptile situation in Australia in the books Smuggled
and Smuggled-2 (Hoser 1993, 1996).
Reading these and the many sources
cited therein, it becomes apparent that exotic reptiles have been coming into
Australia consistently for the last three decades.
A toughly enforced legal ban on such
imports enforced against a majority of the population here, has evidently
restricted this inflow as compared to other countries such as the United States
and Europe (where the trade in non-indigenous herps is relatively unhampered by
regulation), but in spite of the immense and costly law enforcement effort, the
flow has not and apparently cannot be stopped.
The reasons are simple. Official corruption allows a number to slip
through the net. Even ignoring this
factor and pretending that corruption in Australian authorities is
non-existent, there will always be people who are able to slip though any
enforcement efforts and get their critters through.
The regular reports in the tabloid
media of small-time busts involving people "obsessed" with reptiles
attests to this fact - particularly as these busts are often accidental and
therefore imply far more actually slips into the country unnoticed.
And as we all know, reptiles in
particular are easy to "smuggle" due to their cryptic nature and
ability to survive temperature drops as well as prolonged food and water
deprivation (for several days).
The major failing of the Smuggled books in terms of the current
situation is that Smuggled-2 the more
recent of the pair, only details the state of play to late 1996.
Since then things have changed somewhat
in that the number of exotic reptiles in Australia has clearly gone up, there
have been a number of "amnesty's" of various forms in NSW, Victoria
and perhaps other states and at the time of writing (2005), the various
stakeholders were jockeying for position in the race to get what they want in
the new millenium.
The reason for the upsurge in exotic
reptiles in Australia can be pinpointed on several factors. These include the increased use of the
internet as a cheap and efficient means of telecommunications between reptile
enthusiasts around the world. However
more importantly was a change in the policies and practices of the federal
Customs Department.
Up until the late 1990's Customs had
rigorously enforced the ban on importing exotic reptiles.
Not only did Customs patrol the
barriers (such as airports, ports and the like), but in the event that
something slipped through this net, Customs would then police beyond these
Thus if someone managed to get a
reptile into Australia from elsewhere and held it at their house for sometime
after, Customs could and would raid and seize the animal if they found out.
The ongoing threat, or guarantee of
seizure of exotic reptiles in Australia kept most of the herpetologists
licenced by the authorities to keep native fauna out of the market for exotic
The reason was simple. If the wildlife officials raided or
"visited" these people and saw something that wasn't native, Customs
were simply called in and the reptiles seized.
Now this didn't stop those who kept
themselves unknown to the authorities and never applied for a licence.
And yes, it's common knowledge that Boa
Constrictors, Corn Snakes and the like have been happily breeding here in
Australia in "underground" collections for the last thirty years.
But the legal regime until the mid
1990's did keep the exotic reptile trade in Australia to a relatively low
It was then that due to an ongoing
industrial campaign by the relevant union for Customs, that Customs declared
that they would not police their laws beyond the barriers or entry points.
Thus we got a situation whereby a
person could still get busted for having an exotic snake if found on their
person at an airport, but if they got through and took the animal home, they
were then safe in the knowledge that Customs wouldn't come along and seize the
Because State wildlife laws at the time
only policed the keeping of native reptiles, there became an effective legal
black-hole in terms of exotic herps.
As this became known, an increasing
number of private and licenced by the authorities keepers of reptiles sought
and got hold of exotic reptiles to supplement their existing collections of
native herps.
The novelty caught on and the demand
for ever increasing numbers of Burmese Pythons and the like was quickly
satisfied by yet more coming into Australia illegally.
The surge in numbers then increased as
local keepers began to breed these snakes and other reptiles.
In order to put the genie back into the
bottle, the State wildlife authorities legislated for the control of exotics by
declaring amnesties on these animals, allowing people to come forward and
license these animals.
In Victoria the amnesty didn't work too
well because the local authority (DNRE) refused to reveal it's hand when
declaring the amnesty.
DNRE said that people could declare
their reptiles without fear of prosecution, but then refused to give a
watertight guarantee that these same animals would not be seized.
Most keepers decided that they wouldn't
risk losing their prized animals and so only a handful of people came forward
to declare their holdings.
(The Victorian government ultimately
decided to let the keepers retain their reptiles on the condition that they not
breed them and/or acquire any others at any time, including on death of the
Subsequent to this the NSW National
Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) had a similar amnesty, but gave wider
guarantees to those who registered with the authority, in terms of being able
to retain their reptiles. As a result
more people with exotics came forward to declare their stock. However 20 years of distrust of NPWS due in
the main by a prior refusal to issue permits to most keepers of native animals
had driven a sizeable section of the State's herpetologists underground and put
simply, many saw no material benefit in registering with the department and
making themselves known to officials who could then restrict their hobby at
Thus in NSW as well, many holders of
exotic reptiles failed to declare what they had.
In the period 2000-2005, there has been
a tightening of import regulations and enforcement by customs in terms of
airport and postal checks. While this
was at first directed towards the foot-and-mouth and Mad-cow's disease scares
in Europe and then the so-called terrorist threat following the September 11
incident in the USA, the reality is that it also made it harder to import
exotic reptiles into Australia and so the number coming into the country has
declined in the more recent times (since 2000).
However this decline in imports has
been more than offset by the huge numbers now being bred by those who already
have these animals.
So this effectively sums up the state
of play here in Australia as of early 2005.
key facts as May 2005
We have lots of exotic reptiles in Australia, a sizeable
number of which are not known to the authorities, and based on current rates of
breeding and the current legal regime in most states, this proportion of the
total is likely to increase.
State wildlife departments are keen to reassert their
authority over these reptiles by legislating for complete control over
them. The Federal government
authorities are also seeking to reassert their authority on exotics, the result
being a "turf war" between department officials.
There are rumors of impending amnesties on these reptiles in
some states, which regardless of their factual basis has lead to a continuing
increase in demand for these reptiles from keepers who see a legal way to
obtain them.
Officials keen to restrict trade in exotic reptiles have
invoked media scare campaigns (such the IBD news reports in late 2001) to swing
lawmakers in favor of an outright legal ban on exotic reptiles being kept
privately in Australia. How much of
these scare campaigns are based on fact and how much on rhetoric is hard to
gauge, but it appears to be a combination of both. The outbreaks of viruses (reovirus and OPMV (2 strains)) at the
Australian Reptile Park in 2002 and the (totally legal) trading out of infected
stock by the institution has provided further fears of the consequences of
trade in imported exotics (legal or otherwise) (see Hoser 2003a, Hoser 20003b
and Hoser 2004-5).
Private keepers, many of whom have for the first time had a
taste for exotic reptiles are keen and vocal in their attempts to retain their
"rights" as they see them.
Law enforcement in Australia over the last three decades has
been unable to enforce a legal ban on exotic herps in private hands, here in
Australia. Whether this is due to a
lack of competence or corruption is not relevant. The only salient fact is that prohibition has been unable to stop
all illegal imports of exotic herps.
Conflicts between the various stakeholders will almost
certainly increase in the period 2001-5 as measured in terms of legal actions
(charges) against keepers caught with unlicenced exotic reptiles in Australia.
Having said this, and based on the
relatively fixed positions of the protagonists, I see little prospect of a good
consensus and/or workable licencing system emerging in Australia in the
foreseeable future. This is also noting
a series of attempts to achieve this by DNRE in Victoria (as then known) in
2000 (through consulting firm KPMG) and via Peter Mirtschin's Exotic Reptiles
Conference set in for October 2001.
vested interests
All the players in this
"debate" have a position. I
am included in this, even though my views are not terribly fixed and I am not
likely to be personally affected in any major way by whatever legal regime ends
up in place, due to my personal adoption of a "wait-and-see"
I have held and currently hold capture
and keep permits for native herps in various states. I keep reptiles (all native) and at the time of writing have my
hands full with these and hence have no time or inclination to keep non-native
I have never kept, traded or whatever
in non-indigenous (exotic) herps, but have made it clear to the local Victorian
Authorities that should a legal regime be in place that allowed me to legally
hold such animals, I may at some stage avail myself of the right to keep such
species. For my reptile shows, Burmese
Pythons are a definite "must have". By way of example Steve Irwin in
Queensland, who seems exempt from laws that hamper others, regularly uses his
large Burmese Pythons for publicity purposes.
From a conservation viewpoint I accept
that it would be favorable to exclude all non-native reptiles from Australia
due to risks of species becoming feral and/or the somewhat greater risk of
previously absent diseases, parasites and the like taking root here in
Australia and harming local wild populations.
In other words, my personal position is
that if exotic herps were "banned', so be it, but that if they were
licenced, then I'd like to enjoy the same privileges that others have.
My position is thus like that of my
views on domestic dogs and cats. I
think that from the national conservation perspective they should be wiped out
from Australia and banned as pets. But
failing this, I could avail myself of the right to keep them as pets, which I
do in terms of a Great Dane cross I had for 13 years and my current pet, a
pure-bred Great Dane.
Finally, if the wildlife authorities do
a heap of raids on licenced keepers in search of illegally held exotic
reptiles, the sales of my Smuggled
books will go up. However these days,
sales of the Smuggled books do not
come anywhere near those of the police corruption titles, (Hoser 1995, 1999a,
1999b) and so long as the police in Victoria keep shooting and killing people,
dealing drugs, bashing people and the like, those books will remain in demand.
As of April 2005, the police have shot
and killed two unarmed people, several face drugs charges and so sales of those
books are safe for the time being.
to from here?
While the various protagonists have
their views, I will outline mine here based on the unarguable facts as given
No legal regime will stop the further
importation of exotic reptiles in Australia.
If it is banned as in times past, the trade will continue underground. I do not think this is desirable and believe
that any legal regime in place should as a first priority try to reduce to the
greatest possible degree the illegal trade in wildlife (and that's whether
exotic herps are declared legal or not).
Furthermore it is clear and undisputed
that there have been cases of illegally imported reptiles intercepted by
authorities that have carried highly contagious and destructive diseases. What is totally unknown is how many undetected
illegal imports also carried such diseases.
This latter point is perhaps the best
reason for introducing a legal regime whereby imports of exotic reptiles are
allowed, on the basis that the major part of the trade can and will use legal
channels and reptiles will be quarantined against all known vectors and
Thus the risk of importing diseases and
the like is reduced to the lowest possible level.
However even this legal regime, if
introduced will not solve all the problems.
You see, one cannot test for things we
don't know about. And yes, any system
of allowing exotic reptiles to be kept legally will have an inherent risk of
animals escaping and/or becoming feral here in Australia.
Some of the relevant scenario's were
detailed in Hoser (1995b).
But most of the alternative legal
regimes re exotic herps also carry the same risks, and probably to a greater
By way of example, we have feral
Red-eared Sliders in NSW and Victoria, the populations of which became
established during a period of alleged total prohibition on their imports.
In other words they established when
these animals were supposedly banned!
Put simply, partial ban on exotics is
unlikely to work. Again it would simply
serve to drive the trade back underground and we'd again be stuck with
unacceptable disease and other risks.
By way of example, it appears that both
IBD and the Chytrid fungus made their first entries into Australia via legal
imports and/or seized animals that were subsequently kept alive as exhibits at
government owned public zoos, (assuming both IBD and Chytrid were absent before
European settlement).
(Investigations have shown the
geographical source of Chytrid fungus affecting frogs to have been Africa. However the geographical source of IBD
remains unknown and may in fact be here in Australia).
Thus it appears that the only feasible
option for the future is a properly regulated trade in exotics that is easier
for the average person to remain within the law rather than outside.
If people remain forced outside the law
as we know it, then there is the strongest likelihood of Chytrid, IBD and any
other (as yet unknown) nasties being inadvertently imported.
The following option, is my option
"A" so to speak. However it
is dependent on an uncorrupted and totally consistent legal regime across Australia. Based on past experience these are almost
certainly unattainable dreams, however based on the (false) assumption that
these are in fact possible I will outline in summary my preferred option.
This option has not been widely
canvassed, but will probably get little if any acceptance from the authorities
and/or stakeholders in this debate, because it involves all effectively
forgoing any rights they have to keep exotic reptiles.
This option is a total ban on live
exotic reptiles here in Australia - no if's buts or maybe's, with the ban
extending to all levels, including zoos, museums, universities and the
like. In this age of electronic
communications, cheap jet airliner transport and access to similar facilities
overseas, research into these animals and related matters would not be
seriously hampered.
The total ban would have be toughly
enforced and any exotics detected here in Australia would have to be
immediately seized and destroyed.
Again, no exceptions.
In particular the notion that there
could be exceptions to this regime (i.e. government zoos) would also have to be
scrapped. If there is to be a total ban
- it MUST affect all to be a success.
And unlike past total bans, my scenario
would expressly forbid government zoos and the like "holding" seized
exotics alive as a pretext to research projects, pending court cases and the
like. Thus we would have a system of
detection followed by immediate seizure and then immediate euthanazing of
specimens - NO EXCEPTIONS.
By way of example, in the not too distant
past, former curator of reptiles at Sydney's Taronga Zoo, Uwe Peters (now dead)
would smuggle in reptiles specifically for the zoo's collection, which in
effect became his defacto private collection.
He was not alone.
Australia has more than enough of it's
own reptiles to fill any zoo displays here and so exotic herps are quite simply
not essential. And so a total ban on
exotic herps as outlined above, while perhaps unpalatable to many zoo curators
who may be in love with their Asian Monitors and Burmese Pythons should be
seriously considered as a viable and favorable alternative to what I think is
the only other feasible way for the future which is a legal and regulated trade
in these animals at all levels.
And yes, the total ban regime as
outlined above (while perhaps putting me offside with most of my fellow
herpetologists at all levels) does in fact offer the best hope for minimizing
the inherent risks involved with exotic reptiles and in terms of minimizing the
underground trade that will always be present to at least some degree.
And like it or not, the seemingly
distant position of legal trade in exotics for all, in a properly regulated
environment does offer a far safer alternative to the poorly regulated
prohibition regime enforced for some, but not for the favored few as we tend to
see at present.
Furthermore a regulated legal trade in
exotics (for all "stakeholders") is also an achievable outcome
possible given the inherent human shortcomings in the Australian enforcement
regime and the human failings of those who will always seek to keep exotic
reptiles, whether or not it is legal to do so.
Put simply, the half-pregnant position
we have at the moment, whereby exotics are legal for some, but not for all is
untenable and in my view the riskiest position of all to take.
And yes, as I've already said, the
enforcement regime instituted must be equally fair or equally unfair on all
sections of the herpetological community (without exceptions) and more
importantly must be seen by the herpetological community to be so. If this does not occur, the end result be
failure in the same manner that the system is currently failing all of us now.
The views above are strictly those of
myself (Raymond Hoser) and do not necessarily reflect those of anyone else in
this herpetological society or elsewhere and/or editors of this journal.
The countless herpetologists,
zoo-keepers, curators, and other relevant persons who have openly and frankly
shared their personal views on the above topic with myself, including those who
disclosed potentially illegal activities to me. Likewise for the various bureaucrats and wildlife law-enforcement
officers who similarly offered their views and advice, often including that
which was contrary to their own department's "official" policy and/or
Hoser, R. T. 1993. Smuggled: The Underground Trade in Australia’s Wildlife, Apollo
Publishing, Moss Vale, NSW, Australia. 159 pp.
Hoser, R. T. 1995a. The Hoser Files - The Fight Against Entrenched
Official Corruption, Kotabi Publishing, Doncaster, Victoria, Australia. 322
Hoser, R. T. 1995b. 'Release into
hell', Monitor - Journal of the Victorian
Herpetological Society, 7 (2),
December, pp. 77-88.
Hoser, R. T. 1996. Smuggled-2: Wildlife trafficking, crime and corruption in Australia,
Kotabi Publishing, Doncaster, Victoria, Australia. 280 pp.
Hoser, R. T. 1999a. Victoria Police Corruption, Kotabi
Publishing, Doncaster, Victoria, Australia. 736 pp.
Hoser, R. T. 1999b. Victoria Police Corruption-2, Kotabi Publishing, Doncaster,
Victoria, Australia. 736 pp.
Hoser, R. T. 2003a. OPMV in
Australian Reptile Collections. Macarthur
Herpetological Society Newsletter, June 2003. 38:2-8.
Hoser, R. T. 2003b.
Reovirus - Successful treatment of small elapids. Crocodilian 4(3):23-27.
Hoser, R. T. 2004-2005. An avoidable
epidemic of Reovirus in collections of Australian snakes and the wider
implications of the disease in Australia and elsewhere. Herptile 29 (3), 29(4), 30(1).
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