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Sentencing - Final
6 December 2001 - 2 PM

Free Speech Case - sentencing - final update - by Raymond Hoser

To all who have been following this important case, I (Raymond Hoser)
am now pretty much gagged until the appeal.
However we invite all to peruse the final judgement and cross-check it with
the case transcript and
relevant books to see if you think the judge has got it right.
The final result at this stage is as follows:
Convicted and fined $5000 Plus an estimated $30,000 in costs for
"scandalizing" the courts.
Jail was sought by the crown in this case, but didn't eventuate.
We did not plead remorse as we do not believe we were guilty as charged
and are now preparing for a likely appeal.
This may take up to three years to be heard.
Transcripts of the case to the "judgement" are on our website and others are
we think available from the VGRS and hopefully "" as they become
DO NOT contact us for hard copies of the transcripts - we will not supply
We ARE taking orders for CD-rom books ("Corruption Collection" and "Hoser Collection")
which are perhaps the best way to
cross-check the judgement
with speed and we have been legally cleared to sell all corruption titles
unaltered, including "Victoria Police Corruption - 2" (found to be in
"contempt") save for from which we have undertaken to remove five
"offending" passages unless and until an appeal is successful.
Happy Christmas to those who celebrate it.
Further inquiries to 0412 777 211 (within Australia)
Or 0411 959 455 (within Australia)

Sentence - final - Summary.

Sentence - final - (Written) as MS Word File.

Sentence - final - (Written) as Adobe Acrobat File.

Sentencing submissions - summary.

Sentencing submissions - (Written) as MS Word File.

Sentencing submissions - (Written) as Adobe Acrobat File.

Judgement - Guilty Verdict - appeal likely.

Judgement - (Written) as MS Word File.

Judgement - (Written) as Adobe Acrobat File.

Judgement IN COURT - (Written) as MS Word File.

Judgement - IN COURT (Written) as Adobe Acrobat File.

Day Five of Case - Summary.

Day Five of Case - Transcript as MS Word File.

Day Five of Case - Transcript as Adobe Acrobat File.

Day Four of Case - Summary.

Day Four of Case - Transcript as MS Word File (PM only).

Day Four of Case - Transcript as Adobe Acrobat File (PM only).

Day Four of Case - Transcript as MS Word File (AM only).

Day Four of Case - Transcript as Adobe Acrobat File (AM only).

Day Three of Case - Summary.

Day Three of Case - Transcript as MS Word File.

Day Three of Case - Transcript as Adobe Acrobat File.

Day Two of Case - Summary.

Day Two of Case - Transcript as MS Word File.

Day Two of Case - Transcript as Adobe Acrobat File.

Day One of Case - Summary.

Day One of Case - Transcript as MS Word File.

Day One of Case - Transcript as Adobe Acrobat File.

List of relevant legal precedents.

List of relevant legal precedents.

Defence summary for Raymond Hoser - as prepared by his lawyers.

Defence summary for Raymond Hoser - as prepared by his lawyers.

"No Case" summary for Raymond Hoser against Hulls et. al. - as prepared by his lawyers.

"No Case" summary for Raymond Hoser against Hulls et. al. - as prepared by his lawyers.

Victorian Government/Rob Hulls set to jail Hoser for telling the truth!

Melbourne media contacts - list and details.

Full Transcript of Free Speech Case and other tendered documents (449 pages in total) - as MS Word File. (1.75 mb)

Full Transcript of Free Speech Case and other tendered documents (449 pages in total) - as Adobe Acrobat File. (1 mb)

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Corruption websites front page.

Corruption websites media release archive.

Reptiles website/s index page.

Herpetology papers index.

Non-urgent email inquiries via the Snakebusters bookings page at:

Urgent inquiries phone:
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia:
(03) 9812 3322 or 0412 777 211