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9th Discussion Paper - N.S.W. Police Service and the aftermath of the Royal Commission into the NSW Police Service and Paedophilia.
All are invited to contribute and make submissions. By way of further discussion an attachment is provided with this 8th draft as an appendix which concerns possible future directions for the re organisation of the NSW Police Service. Because further submissions are expected and are received quite frequently no firm final position is taken as to any issue or matter controverted in this draft paper. Further Information may be obtained by viewing ;

NSW Police Corruption and Mismanagement Web Site :IMAGE OF CORRUPT GOVERNMENT. DEPARTMENT.

Placed on a U.S.A. Web Site so that it cannot be illegally wiped by corrupt officials at:

Compiled by :

The Whistleblowers Network, 402/422 Pitt St, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia. Email ; Telephone (02) 9583 1165/014 415 835 (Sydney,NSW) Telephone 018 588 699 (Melbourne, Victoria) Telephone 089440 0405/0419932100 (Perth, Western Australia)

C.A. Research (a Division of Lawtel Pty Ltd) 402/422 Pitt St, Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia. Ph (612) 9583 1165 / 014 415 835, Fax(612) 9212 6205 Email :

A.A.C., Whistleblowers Network (Victoria) 41 Village Avenue, Doncaster, Victoria, 3108, Australia. Ph (03) XXX

New Developments

Paedophilia Case Development.

The Paedophile Case detailed in this Paper has been found to have been substantiated by a judgment of the NSW District Court on Monday 18th August 1997.

(This is despite the fact that the Police Royal Commission, Certain Journalists and the NSW Police Service itself appeared to be of the view that the allegations were unsubstantiated.............serious questions may now need to be asked concerning their previous efficacy and bonafides)

The Case of Michael Cottier.

A Detective from the Redfern Police Patrol contacted Michael Cottier concerning the matter in this paper to purportedly "investigate " the matter despite the fact that some of the allegations relate to the Redfern Patrol itself.

Former NSW Supreme Court Judge David Yeldham.

The Newspaper the "Illawarra Mercury" recently revealed that the young man who was arrested with former Supreme Court Judge DAVID Yeldham in a Central Railway Station toilet by Transit Police Officers for alleged possible indecent behaviour was the same man who was later the subject of an appeal in a serious criminal matter which was heard by the NSW Court of Appeal which comprised a number of Judges including the late David Yeldham. On Friday August 29 1997 Richard Ackland wrote in the "Australian Financial Review" at page 25 " ...the ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption Investigation ...amounted to nothing. He was not even interviewed by the ICAC. The Royal Commission asked Temby (the former ICAC Commissioner why this was so. The answer was illuminating:"The function of the [ICAC] was to investigate corruption, not crime. Somebody from the ICAC could have gone to ask him whether information which the Police had concerning him had been used to sway him from the proper course of judicial duty. That would surely have been pointless" So there you have it. Every one looked the other way. (The Judicial Commission, the ICAC and the Police) Will an inquiry ever be held into how for instance this man was treated as referred to above ?

NSW Police Internal Witness Support Unit.

It would appear that the new commander of the NSW Police Internal witness support unit is the same Officer who was involved in the charging of Senior Transit Patrol Officer Howard with assault charges which subsequently had to be dropped in Gosford Local Court and full costs were awarded by the Magistrate against the Police Service. (Further details Later) This case is connected to the plight of Transit Patrol/Police Officers dealt with later. Apparently there is a Police Internal Affairs investigation underway into this matter.

New Development. The Officer referred to above recently contacted the Publishers and Facilitators of this Paper requesting a meeting as did the former Internal Witness Support Unit Commander. It has been made clear to these officers that WBNC does not consider it appropriate to have such a meeting at present however they have been invited to make their own submissions which will be published and also to provide any documents they may have to support their contention(s).This is a standing open invitation.

Further Comment

It may be said or thought to be inappropriate at this stage that persons the subject of comment and/or allegation(s) in this paper should be contacting the Facilitators and WBNC for a meeting. The observation has been made that it would be more appropriate for the Commissioner of Police to provide a response and/or a submission or request such a meeting.

The circumstances of one of the requests for such a meeting were that at a meeting of the NSW Police Internal Witness Support Council at Police Headquarters that an NSW Office Bearer of Whistleblowers Australia Inc telephoned one of the facilitators in the presence of the Police Officer concerned and communicated a request for such a meeting. The Police Officer concerned then spoke on the telephone and repeated such request. The Office Bearer of WBA (NSW) Inc made it clear that the contents of this Paper were not the policy of WBA Inc. The Discussion Paper which was tabled at the June 1997 Monthly General Meeting of NSW Whistleblowers Inc (Minuted) (pursuant to a previous NSW WBA Inc Monthly General Meeting Resolution) is not and never was supposed to represent the policy of WBA Inc. The Discussion Paper adopts no firm policy position at all.


For some two years in 1995, 1996 and part of 1997 the NSW Police Service has been the subject of scrutiny by the Royal Commission into the NSW Police Service.

A number of instances of demonstrable corruption and malpractice have been exposed however it appears that other matters have still not been adequately investigated by the proper authorities and in particular from a systemic point of view there are and have been a number of instances where internal informants or whistle blowers have continued to either be ignored or systematically victimised by the NSW Police Service and in at least one case with the apparent full knowledge and approval of the NSW Royal Commission into the Police Service. (P.R.C.) In one case the new Police Integrity Commission has completely failed to follow up at all, this case having been submitted for consideration in February 1997.

In addition there appears to have been a general failure on the part of the NSW State Government and others as well as the Police Service itself to consider arguably new and necessary initiatives to restructure the scheme of Policing and Law Enforcement in NSW to make it more accountable to the public and to improve the overall situation with respect to crime and public safety generally.

This draft paper postulates that unless public accountability measures are improved radically together with the improved treatment of informants or whistleblowers that any reform will be shortlived and relatively ineffective in the longterm.

Another specific issue which also appears not to have ben adequately addressed is the inextricable link between Police corruption and malpractice, the illegal drug trade and money. It is postulated in relation to this issue also that until positive multifaceted measures are taken by the State Government that any reform and cleanup of the Police Service will remain shortlived.

Specific Issues and Matters.


The following matters are dealt with by way of example to illustrate the type of issues that arise with respect to internal informants and "whistleblowers".

Michael Cottier.

Mr Michael Cottier, a former NSW Police Officer, Leading Senior Constable attached to the Redfern Beat Police Unit as Youth Liaison Officer has provided the following information .

Amongst the notable allegations made are included are that nothing has been done by the Police or the Royal Commission concerning ;

(1) Information provided by the Local Community re alleged police protection of paedophiles (Police Names given)

(2) A report re police protection of a drug dealer in the Redfern area was deleted from the Police Computer ("COPS System") at the direction of senior Police

(3) The Police themselves failed to adequately investigate a 6/8/90 attack on Mr Cottiers' wife in their home allegedly by Police.(Both attackers wore balaclavas,gloves and black elastic sided boots identical to Police issue) The attack took place five minutes after Mr Cottier left to begin night shift duty at Kings Cross Police Station. The attackers said "the Pig is in trouble". Mr Cottier's wife was bound and gagged and put in a wardrobe.

Arguably a Police appointed Mental Health Professional was utilised in an attempt to discredit Mr Cottier.

A perusal of the Papers of the case makes it very apparent that a Police appointed Psychiatriatrist was retained more in an attempt to discredit Mr Cottier and dent his credibility rather than assist him.

On 7/2/96 after a two hour interview, the NSW Royal Commission into the Police Service (PRC) told Mr Cottier no further investigation or action would take place until he was assessed for witness protection. Nothing has been heard since. Mr Cottier also wrote to the PRC on 15/7/96. The PRC appears to have done nothing together with Police Internal Affairs.

As of September 1997, Police Integrity Commission has yet to respond to the lodgment of this material it having been submitted to them in February 1997.

Serious Questions that need Answering by the NSW Police Service.

Many of the questions below were drafted by serving and former NSW Police.

Mr Cottier and other people are now concerned that the new Police Commissioner from England, Mr Peter Ryan is still surrounded by some of the old coterie of senior officers who did nothing in the past and major corruption and malpractice will remain entrenched within the ranks of the NSW Police Service.

RE: Questions for the NSW Police Commissioner

The questions which require consideration and answering in a meaningful way are as follows ;

Note : Internal Witness = "Whistleblower/Internal Informer"

1. Will the Commissioner support an ongoing policy that is proactive rather than reactive to Police corruption and malpractice ? (ie actually go out and look for it rather than wait for internal witnesses & others to report it)

2. To what extent is the Commissioner aware that there is a perception both within and without the Police Service that his new leadership is in effect "the captive" of existing senior management/Police who have been indifferent if not responsible for Police mismanagement,malpractice & corruption in the past ?

3. Is the Commissioner aware that there are numerous Police officers who have gone to the Royal Commission but who have not even been spoken to, to date ?

4. Is the commissioner aware that there are officers in the internal witness support program who have not been effectively protected ?

5. Will the Commissioner support further legal and regulatory (legislative) initiatives to assist internal Police witnesses including effective protected job placement and legal, financial and counselling assistance ?

6. Will the Commissioner support an initiative whereby Senior Officers will automatically be the subject of disciplinary action when it is demonstrated that they have done nothing to assist internal witnesses and /or failed to take any action with respect to internal witnesses complaints ?

7. Would the commissioner support an initiative to reintroduce senior sergeants to supervise Police "front line operations" ? (bearing in mind that presently the system is apparently layered from Constable to Sergeant to Superintendent )

8. Can the Commissioner say whether internal informants have been promoted under the present promotion system ?

9. Is the Commissioner aware that the IWU vets Police who are internal informants and decides who belongs on the program and who does not ?

10. How would the Police Service deal with a repetitious/vexatious complainant from within ?

11 a) Is it true that the previous Internal Witness Unit Commander had complaints made against her ?

b) Has this person now gone to work in Police Internal affairs ?

12A. Were some of those complaints against her for in effect "going after" internal complainants" ("whistleblowers") and alleged biased investigating ? . 14. a) Is the current Commander of the Internal Witness Support Unit formerly an Officer from North Region Internal Affairs ?

b) Is this person the same Officer who Charged or caused Transit Patrol Officer Howard (STPO) to be charged with an assault offence as a result of an alleged assault incident on Good Friday in 1997 at a Social Function ?

c) Is it a fact that STPO Howard was Charged in respect of this incident despite the fact that other witnesses were available to suggest that Howard was acting in self defence of himself and his wife on that occasion and is it a fact that none of these witnesses were interviewed by Police Concerned before STPO Howard was charged ?

d) Is it not a fact that on Monday 11th August 1997 that the Director of Public Prosecutions withdrew all charges at Gosford Local Court and costs were awarded against the Police Service in respect of this matter in favour of STPO Howard ?

e) Is it possible that this matter is connected to the long running victimisation by certain elements of the Police Service of Transit Patrol Officers ?

f) Is the Officer concerned a suitable officer to command the Internal Witness Support program ?


It would appear that this matter is connected to the matter of Transit Patrol Officer Jim Regan which is further detailed later in this paper.


Further matters which demonstrate continued mismanagement and impropriety in the NSW Police Service and its culture ;

1) The Case of Kim Hollingsworth in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission.

Ms Hollingsworth it would appear used to work as a stripper and a prostitute before she decided to attempt to change her life and apply to become an NSW Police Officer. In fact she had not worked as either for a considerable period of time before applying to join the NSW Police Service.

Subsequent to a Detective making an allegedly corrupt approach to her while she was attending the NSW Police Academy at Goulburn, NSW, the NSW Police Service dismissed her as a trainee Police Officer.

This was after she had been introduced by Senior Police Officer Lola Scott to David Harold McGinlay an Officer from the NSW Police Royal Commission in Goulburn. McGinlay is normally a Detective from Port Adelaide Criminal Investigation Section in the South Australian Police.

Chief Superintendent Lola Scott and Detective Michael Gallagher interviewed Ms Hollingsworth at the Goulburn Police Academy.

When Lola Scott gave evidence to the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) she stated that she was a Chief Superintendent and Commander of Internal Affairs and was currently District Commander for the Central Coast District. Lola Scott is now believed to be the Commander of the Sydney Inner West Region. In evidence before the NSW IRC Ms Scott stated she was acting as "an agent of the Royal Commission". ( i.e. at all times the NSW Police Service was involved in the dealings and treatment of Ms Hollingsworth)

In the case before the NSW IRC it was alleged that The Police Royal Commission had connived with the NSW Police Service in Ms Hollingsworth's dismissal, later found to be unfair by Commissioner P. Connor.

Ms Hollingsworth made an application for reinstatement to the NSW Industrial Relations Commission after allegedly the NSW Police Service Internal Affairs Branch and the NSW Royal Commission were quite happy to utilise her information concerning Police corruption.

Recent evidence by a Senior NSW Police Officer Ken Maroney, Assistant Commissioner, NSW Police in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission included his statement that Ms Hollingsworth had lied in her application form to join the NSW Police Service because she had stated that she only knew two serving NSW Police Officers whereas in fact Police had later found out that she had "known" more than two Police Officers.

Comment :

The Charitable would say that this was about the most useful piece of evidence that Maroney gave to the Commission.

Commissioner Connor has subsequently found that MS Hollingsworth was dismissed by the Police Service in a procedurally unfair manner. Comment

The NSW Police Service now to arguably harass and wear down this whistleblower both financially and emotionally has now indicated its intention to appeal to the full bench of the NSW Industrial Relations Commission.

It goes without saying that the tactic of appealing to the full bench of the NSW Industrial Relations Commission is arguably to attempt to lessen the chance of Ms Hollingsworth ever attaining reinstatement to the Police Service, to maximise delay and increase her legal costs as much as possible.

Clearly this is a decision that was participated in if not ratified by the current Commissioner, Mr P. Ryan. The case is a clear example of the continued practice of the NSW Police Service in victimising "Whistleblowers".

In NSW Industrial Relations Commission Case 2827 of 1995 Commissioner Connor Stated at Page 18 and 19 ;

"........after Ms Hollingsworth had been dismissed as a student Police Officer and she had been re-located interstate by the (NSW) Royal Commission (Into the Police Service) (PRC) she unwisely chose to work again as a prostitute......Mr Menzies .... (Counsel for NSW Police).......pointed out that working in a brothel was a criminal act according to the laws of the State (South Australia) to which she had been relocated.

" I would have thought that if the Royal Commission required Ms Hollingsworth to be relocated interstate it would have made some arrangements to assist her in finding suitable employment. According to Senior Constable McGinlay, that did not happen in ..Hollingsworths case......Ms Hollingsworths work as a prostitute whilst she was relocated..was with the knowledge of the Royal Commission investigators Mr McGinlay and a solicitor seconded to the commission Ms E.M. Walker........"and the assistance of ..McGinlay at least, in the sense that he made enquiries and provided information to Ms Hollingsworth on which establishments she may work safely and which establishments she should avoid"

(McGinlay is a detective with the South Australian Police)


Why is it that a South Australian Police Officer seconded to the PRC and an NSW Solicitor apparently aided and abetted the procurement of the commission of an offence in South Australia in NSW, it being an offence also to procure the breach of another State's laws in NSW ? Perhaps it would be appropriate for ; 1) The Commissioner of Police in SA to examine the conduct of this SA Police Officer, 2) The NSW I.C.A.C. and the NSW Police Commissioner to investigate to see if either person has committed a criminal offence in NSW or conducted themselves in such a way as could be categorised as having committed `corrupt conduct within the meaning of the ICAC Act (NSW)

3) The NSW Legal Services Commissioner and the Law Society to investigate the professional conduct of the Solicitor concerned.

One of the submissions made on behalf of the NSW Police and was the subject of evidence by Police Officer Lola Scott is that Hollingsworths' credit would be impeached in criminal cases if she gave evidence for the Police, yet one of the Police Officers who gave evidence for the Police in this case, Supt R. Myatt was found by the ICAC to have committed corrupt conduct in another unrelated investigation.

The Police Service has failed to further investigate allegations made by Hollingsworth against other serving NSW Police Officers involved in corrupt or improper conduct and she has yet to be interviewed in relation to the same despite the evidence of the intention of the NSW Police Service so to do per Police Officer Norm Maroney (Page 7 of the NSW IRC Decision)

Further General Comment concerning the Hollingsworth Case.

The whole truncated saga arguably illustrates the continuing very poor attitude of the Commissioner of Police Mr Peter Ryan and the Police Service generally towards internal informants. In many ways the issue as to whether Ms Hollingsworth is reinstated or not is irrelevant ; if the NSW Police Service and the Royal Commission had dealt properly with this informant in the first place this litigation would never have arisen. Ms Hollingsworth and other internal informants may not be "paragons of virtue" however it is clearly in the public interest for such persons to continue to come forward and give information to the authorities. Internal Informants such as Ms Hollingsworth should be provided with adequate financial assistance, legal aid, employment, physical protection and counselling if it is required. This was not done in this and other cases. When will the Police Commissioner in the Public Interest guarantee that it will be in the future ?

As at 23rd December 1997 the Full Bench of the NSW Industrial Relations Commission has now overturned the decision of the court below at first instance and Ms Hollingsworth will not be reinstated to the NSW Police Service. Ms Hollingsworth is now appealing from that decision. The decision itself is unsurprising however as already alluded to the Police and Royal Commission treatment of this whistleblower/internal informant is arguably questionable to say the least and the whole saga of this bizarre litigation and the expense to the taxpayer as a result need never have arisen if this whistleblower had been treated properly in the first place.

(2) The continued Detrimental treatment of whistleblower Senior Constable Craig Raymond of Bondi Police Station.

Constable Raymond was one of those who "rolled over" to the NSW Police Royal Commission and informed on other Police involved in the use of the designer drug ecstasy and even its distribution and sale.

During his interviews with Police Internal affairs he revealed honestly that he had once tried half an ecstasy tablet at a function some years before while he was not part of the alleged drug cartel in the Sydney areas of Bondi and Waverley.

The response of the Police Service was to suspend this officer.

The Senior Officer in charge of the region where this Police Drug abuse occurred has now been promoted to command one of the City major regions. The officer concerned is arguably either corrupt or incompetent. The same officer arguably gave misleading evidence under cross examination the current NSW Industrial Relations case concerning Ms Kim Hollingsworth.

Belangelo Forest Backpacker Murder Investigation.

(3) The effective sacking of the Detective who arguably solved the case off the investigative task force that investigated the Belangelo Forest Backpacker murders by Clive Small the Officer in charge of the investigation for "not being a teamworker" (or words to that effect)

Senior Transit Patrol Officer , Jim Regan

(4) The continued arguable victimisation of Senior NSW Transit Police Officer Jim Regan by the Police Service and the ICAC which is connected to his very public long running campaign to improve public safety and security on the NSW Public train system.

Mr Regan has continued to draw attention to the fact of inadequate public transport security on the NSW Train system despite Police publicity campaigns which have attempted to show incorrectly that there are higher numbers of Police patrolling Trains then previously.

In November 1996 Mr Regan publicly demonstrated a lack of Police planning and commitment to the Rail System when he was quoted in the Sydney "Daily Telegraph" on 26th November 1996 as accurately stating that the number of Police on duty at Sydney's Circular Quay Railway Station was totally inadequate on the occasion of the nearby Crowded House concert at the Sydney Opera House. It is worth noting that the redeployment of Transit Police Officers South and Regan from the North Region on this occasion left the North Region without a Transit Police Presence.

The NSW Police Service has failed over the years to fully integrate the Transit Police into the Police Service and arguably done its best to in effect victimise these officers.

Mr Regan it was held by the Government and Related Employees Appeals Tribunal (GREAT) to have been invalidly dismissed from the Service. Some years later the Police Service has still failed to reimburse Mr Regan for the pay and salary lost while he awaited the decision of G.R.E.A.T. In October 1997 allegedly trivial disciplinary charges which had been brought with the benefit of arguably unreliable evidence some 12 months after some alleged incidents occurred at a Christmas function were dropped by the Police Service in the NSW Police Tribunal.

Former Police Officer from Cabramatta Police Station.

This former Police officer now on workers compensation due to bona fide physical injuries appeared on ABC T.V. News in December 1997 to corroborate claims made in a recently produced Law Foundation Report that alleged that NSW Police routinely "loaded up" offenders in the Cabramatta area of Sydney. Other claims he has made include the wining and dining of Cabramatta Police by Cabramatta "identities" and the suppression of drugs charges against a relative of a now commissioned officer and former president of the NSW Police Association.( He alleges that both the Police Royal Commission Investigators and previous Internal Affairs Officers asked him if he wanted a career in the Police Service by "mentioning" such matters ,or words to this effect).


The wining and dining of Cabramatta Police as described above may raise interesting questions given the past occurrence of the murder of former Cabramatta M.P. John Newnham known for fighting crime and drugs in the Cabramatta area.

The Former Police Officer concerned has asked the question as to why none of these matters were paid any attention to by the NSW Police Service until he appeared on the ABC News. It is understood that Internal Affairs Police are only now scrutinizing these matters.

6) Summary of a Paedophile Case arguably inadequately examined by the NSW Royal Commission into the Police Service and the NSW Police Service itself.

The terms of reference of the PRC were extended to include paedophilia. Although some of these practices were uncovered, much material, particularly that relating to ritualistic abuse ("RA") has arguably been covered up by the PRC, the Police and Media Persons such as Richard Guilliatt of the "Sydney Morning Herald"

There follows a summary of a case which has previously been submitted to various relevant public authorities for scrutiny including the NSW Police Service and the Royal Commission into the NSW Police Service etc in New South Wales Australia.

1. In 1989 a six year old at an inner city fundamentalist christian church group in NSW was inveigled and taken into a back room where the child stated that "I remember a star on the had five points with a circle around it with candles on each point......they lined us up into a girl and a boy line...a girl went in and a boy went in..when I was in this room I saw the star on the ground...they told me to sit on the bed....a person in black cloak read from a book..then this big head came out from the star..then they told me to roll over onto my stomach then Ian L. stuck his dick in my bum...then later on they gave me magic crystals to put in my mothers drink and they told me not to tell anyone anything or they will kill my family".

[The childs seven year old sister was also present in the room at the same time that the alleged rape took place and told her Mother, DOCS officers and Doctors from the then Childrens Hospital at Camperdown]

Note : this statement was provided in original form previously but has been reproduced here in the form of "words to the effect" for the sake of clarity. 2. The subsequent Police investigation of this instance involving organised ritualistic abuse (RA) lasted some 16 months and although charges were laid against several people the particular abusers in this incident were not charged or subsequently convicted.

The children concerned disclosed to each person investigating and a medical examination found evidence of sexual abuse which was consistent with the stories told by the children.

3. Although the Police informed the Mother of the children that they could do nothing because of reliance on "children's evidence" there has never been a comprehensive explanation given by Police as to exactly why the perpetrators of this abuse in this instance were not the subject of criminal charges resulting in a conviction.

4. It is understood that although Mr Ian L. was spoken to by Police that he was never formally interviewed and a formal statement was never taken. [In fact it is understood that the Police did go the residences of the alleged offenders and spoke to them and no official or signed statement was taken].

5. In a letter dated July 9 1992 from Deidre Grusovin M.P to the Victims Compensation Tribunal it is stated that the family's General Practitioner clearly indicated his belief that the matter warranted thorough investigation..the letter also states that the children "were not ....... interviewed by Police until October and November 1990 twelve months after (the date of the original)..notification"

[ The Mother of the children first contacted Ms Deidre Grusovin M.P. in February 1990 as a result of difficulties she was encountering in having allegations of assault against the children concerned thoroughly investigated by Police. ]

6. It appears that neither the Police nor the NSW Royal Commission into the Police Service have effectively or adequately dealt with this case and the complete account of all the relevant facts available has never been fully traversed or investigated.

The Police Officer who gave evidence to the Police Royal Commission stated incorrectly that the boy involved was not the subject of medical evidence, yet a Medical Report from the Sydney Childrens Hospital stated there was anal penetration. WHY ?

SYDNEY MORNING HERALD Journalist RICHARD GUILLIATT who routinely downplays allegations of ritualistic abuse or "RA" only interviewed the Policeman, not the Mother or the Child.

At a Sydney Conference on Paedophilia organised by the Australian Institute of Criminology Guillat attempted to downplay this case on the grounds of the unreliability of child evidence.

7. Mr Andrew Stewart a Solicitor at the Police Royal Commission and a seconded Police Officer Mr Phillip Hudson received the above information. NSW Police Officer Malcolm Cox who handled the previous Police investigation gave evidence to the PRC (exhibit number 2734) (Police Task Force Disk)

8. In a letter to the Victims Compensation Tribunal dated July 9 1992 Ms Deidre Grusovin M.P stated "My lasting impression is that (the mother) and her family have been subjected to extraordinary and unnecessary abuse by the system.At times during this whole sorry saga, there seemed to be concerted attempts by a number of agencies involved to discredit (the mother),presumably in order to justify their own inaction or inability to deal effectively with the genuine concerns of a parent who feared for the well being of her children,and of other children she believed to be in a situation of risk."

New Development ;

On Monday 18th August 1997 the NSW District Court found the above allegations were substantiated and awarded Victims Compensation (Criminal Compensation) in this matter.

The decision raises serious questions concerning the past and present efficacy of the NSW Police Royal Commission, the NSW Police Service and certain Journalists who it would appear have tended to disbelieved the allegations in the past.......... *********************************************************************

Internal Affairs Officers now working in the NSW Director of Public Prosecutions Office on NSW Police Royal Commission material.

NSW D.P.P. has Seconded Police Officers working on Police Royal Commission derived Prosecutions.

By way of arguable serious conflict of interest the NSW Directors of Public Prosecutions Office now has NSW Internal Affairs Police Officers working on prosecution briefs emanating from the work of the NSW Royal Commission into the NSW Police Service.

It appears innapropriate that Police Officers from the very Police Service which is the subject of scrutiny are now involved in the preparation of Prosecution material in relation to fellow members of the NSW Police Service.

********************************************************************* TWO FORMER OFFICERS OF THE NSW POLICE ROYAL COMMISSION HAVE BEEN FOUND TO BE CORRUPT.

The two former Royal Commission Officers (PRC) are Australian Federal Police Officers (AFP). So much has been revealed in the Harrison Inquiry into the AFP which investigated corruption claims against 90 serving and former Federal Police.

The Federal Police Inquiry is headed by Sydney Senior Legal Counsel Mr Ian Harrison.

One Officer headed the PRC surveillance team. Both Officers worked for the Police Royal Commission after having worked for another body the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) on Secondment from the A.F.P.

Police Rehabilitation

A Former Police Service Rehabilitation Officer was routinely directed to direct the return to work of Police Officers who were arguably still unfit for work thus arguably placing the public and themselves at risk.......

One of the Persons in charge of the Police Rehabilitation Section who did this still holds the same employment and position in the NSW Police Service, although one Manager concerned has now moved to the NSW Ambulance Service. The Same former Police Service Rehabilitation Officer also spent many late nights after being directed to do so cleaning out and sanitising NSW Police Personnel Files before the commencement of the NSW Police Royal Commission........... *********************************************************************

Other Police Whistleblowers that have arguably been treated very badly in the past by the NSW Police Service. _____________________________________________________________________

Detective Kim Cook ended up having to leave the Service after being victimised because he gave evidence leading to the conviction of at least two detectives.

Former Policewoman Debbie Locke was extensively victimised by the Police Service and also arguably by the Police Royal Commission and also ended up having to leave the Police Service and was medically discharged in late 1996 /early 1997. The Royal Commission allowed Debbie Locke to be harassed mercilessly while giving evidence at the Police Royal Commission and while she was heavily pregnant.

Predictably Commissioner Judge James Wood denied any wrongdoing on the part of the Commission at the time when challenged in writing over the issue by Whistleblowers Australia Inc Vice President Dr Jean Lennane.


It would appear that some interesting questions have even arisen in relation to the undertaking of this study which it has been advised has taken place under independent auspices.

This study states in effect that a majority of internal witnesses are happy with the way in which they were handled by the NSW Police Service and its internal witness support program. In respect of the numbers allegedly surveyed this is no doubt true , however it has to be borne in mind that the NSW Police Service selects exactly who is placed under the auspices of the NSW Police Internal Witness Support Program in the first place.

It is apparent that there are a number of persons who would ordinarily be categorised as "internal witnesses" or "whistleblowers" who have not been placed on the program.

It goes without saying that if such people are not included within the terms of this study that the figures might arguably be regarded as misleading.

In addition a former Policeman and Member of the NSW Branch of Whistleblowers Australia Inc has written the following letter to the WBA , NSW Branch dated 27th May 1997 ;

As a result of a telephone called received on 21st May 1997 ; "A NSW Police Service Commissioned Officer has advised that as an Internal mentor under the scheme of the NSW Police Service Internal Witness Support Policy , the officer is aware of an Internal Witness (IW) that was being interviewed for the evaluation of the I.W.S. Policy and the operating unit, when the interviewer stated he was only one quarter through the list of I.W.'s to be interviewed. The I.W. commented that he had already seen the completed evaluation report, including references to all telephone interviews completed for the evaluation, which was written by Assistant Commissioner Nixon ("Internal Witness Research Project Dec 1996") and the interviewer commented that yes she (Nixon) had got ahead of herself. ......"

General Comment

Given the foregoing it is arguable that serious consideration should be given to a truly independent inquiry being established into the treatment of internal witnesses/whistleblowers by the NSW Police Service and the above matters.

To cement the reform of the Police Service , Police whistleblowers such as Kim Cook, Debbie Locke and Michael Cottier and others should perhaps be invited to re join the Police in a managerial hands on supervisory role or at least utilised in an ongoing and preferably paid consultative capacity.

A report by the NSW Ombudsman in November 1997 suggested that the NSW Police Service could improve its treatment of whistleblowers/internal informants.

The Case of Mr Tarek El-Awar of Wollongong.

Mr Awar has made serious allegations against a Satanist group("The Sentinel") and others in Wollongong. He has provided Video evidence and other information to the Police Royal Commission and the NSW Police Service. His allegations include systematic sexual assault, drugging of adults and include the sacrifice of young babies. Apparently very little has been done to date. A copy of his correspondence and statements in relation to these matters is attached to this paper together in the form of attached files on the Internet.

Recently Mr Tarek El Awar was assaulted again by a person associated with a network of associated individuals in Wollongong, NSW and satanic practices. The Police have effectively done nothing or even applied for an apprehended violnce order to protect Mr El- Awar despite their knowledge of previous assaults upon him.


C.A. Research Trust 402/422 Pitt St Sydney N.S.W. 2000

February 1996

An Open Submission to the NSW Royal Commission into the NSW Police Service.

Prevention of Police Misconduct/Corruption associated with Illegal Drugs

This is an open submission to the commission in response to a general statement from the Commission at one of its hearings concerning an invitation to make submissions concerning possible solutions to the problem of illegal drug trade and use and corruption associated therewith.

Prevention of Police Misconduct and corruption associated with Illegal Drugs .

The problem of illegal use of heroin and its supply is inextricably linked with the phenomenon of Police corruption and misconduct.

At the moment it would appear that there may be as many as 20-30,000 illegal heroin users in Sydney alone. This provides a ready market for the sale and distribution of heroin before one considers the growth of the problem.

One of the first short term priorities must be to remove the monetary profits from the trade in Heroin. There are two ways to do this ; legalise heroin or provide free high doses of methadone at all Public Hospitals with well funded and supported therapeutic psychiatric and psychological care and treatment.

It is obvious that at present that political reality means that there would be widespread opposition from Politicians and indeed the community at large to the first option.

The second option could perhaps be implemented as follows. Heroin would remain illegal in NSW. The NSW Government would fund a free high dosing methadone program to be available at all major public hospitals. Persons with a Heroin problem would be able to register with the Department of Health without fear of prosecution at any time. They would be provided with free high doses of methadone together with an adequate well funded medical treatment program which would include proper counselling,medical monitoring of their Methadone intake and where appropriate psychological and / or psychiatric treatment. Persons in jail would also receive the same treatment option. Persons who registered for the program would be rigorously and regularly tested for signs of continuing or other drug use and not be allowed to continue if they failed such tests.

The initial program could be run for an initial period of two years with efficacious statistical monitoring and medical evaluation to take place during this period.

In tandem with the above program it might be worthwhile considering a strictly controlled study amongst a limited number of heroin users to see if the provision of free heroin under a regime similar to that of Methadone was a useful option or not.It is postulated that the implementation of a program along the lines of the above proposals may have the effect of;

Putting the dealers in Heroin out of business.

Drying up the available supply of illicit money thereby decreasing the opportunity for associated Police corruption. Decreasing the incidence of crime committed by heroin users to fund their habit thereby bringing savings to the community and perhaps so far as the use of Police time and resources is concerned as well.

Decreasing the use of heroin in jail and opportunities for corruption in the jail system.


It is very apparent that many of the problems associated with alleged Police misconduct, corruption, incompetence and generally being perceived by a substantial section of the public as not being interested in particular matters reported to them are due to inadequate resourcing for Police in general. In tandem with other measures ,there is a need for longer and better training and for an improvement in pay levels for Police. (particularly for the junior "ranks" and recruits).

It is our submission that ;

That Every Recruit have a mentor for the first two years.

The emphasis to be on local beat type Policing with adequate back up from Mobile Patrols

That the initial period of Police Training be lengthened. That the minimum age for Police Recruitment should be 25 years of age with emphasis on recruiting persons of all backgrounds who have had some other work and/or life experience. The maximum age for recruitment could be changed to at least 40 (or 50 especially for specialist functions such as legal research, investigative accounting scientific work and other functions).

While perhaps the Police should remain one single unified body they should as an organisation be made accountable to elected Local Government in their respective local areas.(Preferably through a Local Council committee which would also include the Local State M.P. as a member).


At present Police are only accountable to a large faceless bureaucracy in Sydney being Police Headquarters and the State Government. There is very little feedback from local areas with regard to specific concerns relating to law and order, good order and crime in those areas. Some responsibility for funding and administration could also be given to each area. Refer to Submission (6) above. Local council supervisory committees could be held in public and could include regular weekly opportunities for any member of the public to attend and participate in discussions. The Police Board could perhaps be made up of elected representatives of appropriate groupings of each area committee.


Complaints against Police as well as being referred to the ombudsman and internal affairs should have to be also referred to the proposed appropriate Local area committees for on going monitoring and report. If a separate Police Complaints Authority is established instead of Police Internal Affairs and the Ombudsman there should still be this level of regular local accountability.


The two main areas of complaint to date have been (1) the apparent lack of formal accountability of the Police Royal Commission to anyone else and (2) lack of assistance to informers and whistleblowers.

These problems could be addressed by the Commission receiving more resources and by the Government providing adequate funding to the Commission for informers for (1) proper legal representation in commission proceedings and any other associated legal proceedings or context (2) Employment and job seeking assistance, (3) General financial assistance in needy cases, (4) counselling and if necessary psychological and/or psychiatric assistance. (An extract of an article from another publication follows to support this submission)

Royal Commissions should also made accountable to a standing Parliamentary committee as well as making provision for a formal complaints handling procedure for complaints against such commissions.



The Hoser Files - The Fight Against Entrenched Official Corruption is full of graphic details, including, names, photos, etc.. It has 322 pages and costs $25 incl. postage (U.S. or Australian currency). To order online






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